surgery moved

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2011
I know they need a life and rest and recovery but my surgery date has just been moved less then two weeks out ...because the surgeon is going on a spontanious holiday.


I feel like im starting all over with the emotions and stuff I was really ready before (well almost)

but on the positive side i have a wedding to go to now :)
I understand your feelings exactly. I was scheduled for Monday, Feb. 14. The surgeon's office called me at 4:00 the Friday afternoon before as I was leaving work and said the dr. had to do an emergency operation on Monday and I was re scheduled for almost 3 weeks later.
It is a BIG let down,but life will go on and the time will pass. I found that I was not nearly as anxious as I was before that happend. I knew it could possibly happen again.
The time passed, I had the operation at the next scheduled time and everthing worked out fine. Six months later, the cancellation will not even be thought about.
Keep thinking positive thoughts and try not to stress too much.
Both of your cases are rescheduled with a wee bit of notice but for those who get cancelled really last minute, like after you've already left for or arrived at the hospital, I personally thank you.

I was the emergency my first surgery and after being in CICU five days, I was finally deemed well enough to survive the surgery and they wanted me done immediately. I bumped into someone else's spot and felt awful for that person but truly was too sick to really understand what that person was suffereing.

My second surgery, the last few days prior to my scheduled date, I kept thinking karma would knock on my door and my surgery (same hospital and same surgeon) would be bumped for an emergent case that was currently in CICU. Until I was actually wheeled into the OR, I was sure I would be bumped but thankfully was not.

I did get to know the feeling of worrying about having my date delayed and really, really feel for you. It's very hard but it helps to believe there is a time and a reason and it just was not the right date/time for your surgery. While hard, the right time is worth waiting for.

All best wishes.
Oh Maaaan! That sucks, sorry to hear it's been postponed. I'm glad you'll be able to go to the wedding though, and when you do have surgery, think how well rested the surgeon will be. the last thing one wants is a stressed out surgeon. Have you gotten a new date yet?
This is hard, Ruby, but I hope you continue trying to relax and push the stress away. The stress your body will go through during the surgery will be tough, so try to use this time to pamper your body and help it to get ready for the big day.

Good luck.
Well, try to relax. Enjoy the wedding that you now will be able to attend. Laugh, dance, and let your cares float away. Also make sure that your surgeon at least brings you back a souvenier. Just keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.
Most things do happen for a reason. Enjoy the next couple of weeks getting a haircut, pedicure, loading the freezer
with delicious foods, etc.

Hi everyone thanks Bina and escargnome I agree botu it being for a reason - I have a job interview thanks to the borrowed time and it is a position that does not start till january :)