Surgery is Complete.

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Well, just got the word Lorie's Heart and Valve are operating Quote (beautifly). They have her sewed up and will have her in ICU in an hour so I can go see her. I am excied about seeing her and at the same time not looking forward to seeing her with all the tubes coming out. I am sure real soon she will be telling me what to post and how to do it right. I want to think everyone who has helped her get to this point from the bottom of my heart.

Wonderful news- keep us posted and try to get some rest yourself tonight!
HOORAY!!! Thanks you SO much, Arron, for taking time to let us know!

She may look a bit grey and pale to you. Don't worry. She'll be bouncing back in no time!!

BEst wishes. Please be sure to take care of yourself, too!

:D :D :D YAY!!!!

Glad to read it; thanks for the good news! Tonight, Lorie's primary goal will probably be to gobble ice chips and to negotiate with her nurse for more and more ice chips--which seem to be painfully rationed at first, but for good reason. Too much liquid, too soon after a surgery like this, won't stay where it's put and will come out the wrong direction in a painful manner...
I'm glad to hear Lorie's surgery went well. Best wishes for a smooth recovery.
Thank you for keeping us up to date. I'm sure she'll have other priorities for a while, but we appreciate knowing how things are going for her and you.

As people pointed out, it's not very pretty at first, but she'll look a lot better soon.

Very best wishes,
I well remember that tremendous feeling of relief, when I was told those magical words about my husband -- " the aneurysm is removed". That feeling is there again today for Lorie and her family - knowing that she now has a beautiful Dacron graft in place of that weakened and dangerous aortic tissue.

All good wishes to Lorie and all her family - you all have been very brave today!
