Surgery in few days....

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Active member
Jan 12, 2013
Hello. My husband has AVR and root reconstruction surgery this week. The website and all your posts have been so reassuring to us in these months since discovery of regurgitation. He's gone back and forth on mechanical versus bone, and today leaning towards a bovine (50 year old healthy runner), and hope for as long as possible on it. Understand from all your expertise that any valve is better than the current one! One of many questions: does anyone have experience with allergies/asthma and post op?

Thanks for any advise, experiences, prayers?
Hi Socalhome,

I'm sorry that I don't have any experience with allergies/asthma, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be thinking about you and your husband as he goes into surgery. I'm also a runner with a bovine valve, my surgery was a year and a half ago when I got the valve and my aorta was repaired as well -- I was 45 (3 weeks from turning 46 actually). BTW - I'm still running.

Keep us posted!

No advice concerning allergies or asthma, but I want to offer my best wishes for your husband's successful avr. I had a bovine implanted 7.5 years ago, at the age of 52, and my latest echo shows that it is still functioning perfectly.
Im one week post op with a bovine implant. Good luck, I am sure all will go well.
I'm coming up to five years with bovine and thanks be, all is well with my valve.

Sending your DH and you all best wishes for a successful surgery and bump free, easy recovery.
Every reason to think he'll do just fine.
hello and welcome, i had my op when i was 51,5 yrs later still going strong, i have asthma and take all the usual meds for it inhalers etc and have done for the last 30 yrs,i to was worried about the effect the op might have on it, told my cardio and surgeon about my concerns and there reply was no problem, and in a nutshell thats what it was ,no problem, good luck with your surgery you will do just fine,
Thanks so much for all your kind words and support. Really has been a comfort to have all your experiences to read and learn from. We are heading to hospital tomorrow 5am. Scrubbing down tonight!