Surgery Delayed…. Again...

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2011
Ok so now my surgery has been delayed again! Now 31st Oct

It is getting ridiculous I am exhausted and have spent all the emotional pennys I had.


This means my partners leave rescheduled (difficult), flights for his mum and her leave cancelled (she was going to mind our baby), I could have gone to my graduation ceremony, doubt over weather I will be recovered enough for new job in time and Christmas holiday cancelled.

I think the worst bit is I made my partner take a week off before (second) surgery date to keep me busy and keep my mind off things and it was HORRIBLE we have both been moping around sorry for ourselves not able to snap out of it and very tense.

Third time is the charm though and now I can have Halloween parties every year on the anniversary.
Why is delayed this time? You did not state why this time. But Halloween is a great date to remember. I was eight when I had my repair and was just before halloween. I was able to watch the Sonny and Cher show halloween night. That was something to remember, Cher as the bride of Frankenstein and Sonny as the Frankenstein monster. LOl. I will never forget that for the rest of my life. I have 9/11 to remember the aortic valve replacement, not a good one, but one anyway. Good luck that 3rd time is a charm and all goes well. I will pray that you do not get anymore delays. Hugs for today.
Ok so now my surgery has been delayed again! Now 31st Oct

It is getting ridiculous I am exhausted and have spent all the emotional pennys I had.


This means my partners leave rescheduled (difficult), flights for his mum and her leave cancelled (she was going to mind our baby), I could have gone to my graduation ceremony, doubt over weather I will be recovered enough for new job in time and Christmas holiday cancelled.

I think the worst bit is I made my partner take a week off before (second) surgery date to keep me busy and keep my mind off things and it was HORRIBLE we have both been moping around sorry for ourselves not able to snap out of it and very tense.

Third time is the charm though and now I can have Halloween parties every year on the anniversary.

Hi rubywhistle
Sorry to hear about your predicament, I know that things will turn out ok.
My surgeon told me I would be operated on within 1 - 2 months: (Aortic valve replacement) where they kept me waiting for nearly 6 months!
I know what you mean about emotional draining: everyday I checked my mailbox, it got me so anxious that I ended up
getting 'Shingles'. Three days later - a cancellation appeared, now I am 9 weeks recovery.
What part of Australia do you live?
I send you and your family my best wishes.
See Ya
I so feel for you. The wait is so difficult and to be put over twice is really trying.
Did they give you a reason.
It's so difficult arranging and re-arranging everyone's schedules to accomodate the date they give you and then have it all need to be changed.
I hope they at least gave you a Rx for some anti-anxiety meds..... how much can they expect of you?

All BEST Wishes to you and your family.
Thanks guys I may have over reacted the plans have been changed and it all worked out fine no ones leave was rejected and mum in law paid no fines on her tickets. There will be other jobs and holidays.

This time it was a emergency case coming forward - I don’t mind about that at all - but instead of moving everyone back a day they swap just the person on the day with a week or two later (as it is less admin work). I had a feeling, just did not see it happening then.

JKM7 I wouldn’t mind some anti-anxiety meds! My partner has been prescribed heavy duty pain killers and valium for his migraines as they think it is stress related - and he NEVER goes to the Dr or has even taken paracetamol since I have known him. Long suffering loved ones feel the cancellations most maybe?

Brian - Six months is a big wait, would have surely played with your plans but glad they saw you eventually!
I remember a fella on here say waiting was the hardest bit of the lot. I hope he is right and its up hill from here.

Thanks for the 'ear' and support. Anyone else going through or been through this?
Yes, Ruby, I went through it but on the reverse side.

My first OHS, I was the emergency and learned they bumped someone else to do me. You can't imagine how that felt. It is hard on both parties. I had been in CICU for about 5 days and I was finally well enough for them to be able to do the surgery and they wanted me in the OR as soon as they could.

When I had second OHS four years later, I tried to keep putting out of my mind I could be the one bumped this time but thankfully it didn't happen.

And yes, IMO, the wait really is about the hardest part of this surgery.
I did great with both OHS and certainly hope you do as well.
Just keep on keeping on and you'll get it done before you know it.
All best wishes.
Thanks guys I may have over reacted the plans have been changed and it all worked out fine no ones leave was rejected and mum in law paid no fines on her tickets. There will be other jobs and holidays.

This time it was a emergency case coming forward - I don’t mind about that at all - but instead of moving everyone back a day they swap just the person on the day with a week or two later (as it is less admin work). I had a feeling, just did not see it happening then.

JKM7 I wouldn’t mind some anti-anxiety meds! My partner has been prescribed heavy duty pain killers and valium for his migraines as they think it is stress related - and he NEVER goes to the Dr or has even taken paracetamol since I have known him. Long suffering loved ones feel the cancellations most maybe?

Brian - Six months is a big wait, would have surely played with your plans but glad they saw you eventually!
I remember a fella on here say waiting was the hardest bit of the lot. I hope he is right and its up hill from here.

Thanks for the 'ear' and support. Anyone else going through or been through this?

I'm sorry your surgery was moved again and I DO know how frustrating it can be to have to coordinate all the plans and then change them again. Unfortunately we have alot of experience both ways. Justin has had 5 heart surgeries, and surgery for an infection. The first surgery was pretty unexpected since we found out the day after he was born he had complex heart defects and would need a few OHS thru out his life. The first was at 10 days, When he was 10 he went in for a routine cath and ended up needing ER surgery (his 3rd) the next day and bumped 2 cases. When he was 17 his surgery was supposed to be the first week of March AFTER it was postponed 3 times, (the 1st wasnt their fault he got sick) we switched surgeons/hospitals and he had it in June. He stopped going to school in March right before he was supposed to have surgery, then since he got sick they didn't want him to go back until after surgery, so he was out until the next year started in fall. When he was 19 it was postponed 2 times then when he had the surgery and was discharged he was readmited and had ER surgery (bumping a young toddler) when he was 10 days post op, with a couple hours notice. What I really felt bad for the toddlers family was they travelled quite a bit and this happened on a Friday so ALL the relatives had to stay around until the following week.

So I know it stinks to be on either end, but that tends to go along with going to the best/busiest hospitals ESPECIALLY if they do transplants. I pretty much never count on Justin having surgery until they are wheeling him out of the pre op area.
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Ruby, my doc had given me a couple of Ativan pills for the pre-op night's sleep, if I needed it, and then they called
me in 2 days early so I never took a pill. My husband was also home on 5 weeks vacation, so that helped keep me from running away. ;)
I've put you on the VR calendar for Oct.31 let me know if anything changes.
Hang in there. Take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat.
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Ruby, my doc had given me a couple of Ativan pills for the pre-op night's sleep, if I needed it, and then they called
me in 2 days early so I never took a pill. My husband was also home on 5 weeks vacation, so that helped keep me from running away. ;)
I've put you on the VR calendar for Oct.31 let me know if anything changes.
Hang in there. Take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat.

Ruby, It wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor for some kind of anti-anxiety meds for the time before surgery. Sometimes just having them, even if you dont take them can help relax you, just knowing IF your having a tough night they are there, can take some of the anxiety off you.
So today was another day, not 'the day' as planned. i feel kind of lucky to have these extra 'well' days now and am going on a bush walk tomorrow to take it all in.

i have a doc appt day after to talk about some chest pain and the anxiety and will keep you all posted.

Thanks again

I not only feel your pain and concern I experienced it. But the surgery did occur and I'm fine. I'm not sure what was worse the surgery or the wait, cancellations and wait some more.
We have livestock and arrangements were made for their care only to be cancelled over and over without explanation. This occurred over a two-month period. But I got through it.
During this time I had 2 panic attacks in the hospital. But I got over them.
Then the day arrived I was at the hospital, readied for surgery pre-sedated and the surgery was cancelled. So I had to stay in the most expensive accommodation (room on the cardiac floor) for two days to keep my place in line. And got through that too.
So chin up you'll get through these times and you'll probably feel, as I do, that wait and cancellations were worse than the surgery.
Oh lance being at the hospital and having it cancelled would be so much worse!

Just a quick update on the anxiety meds some people suggested -

I haven’t slept well at all since first op was cancelled …..You could say I was less then impressed with the GP Dr who suggested I drink a hot chocolate before bed. She said she was reluctant to give meds as they might react with the aesthetic?..... but I know of quite a few people given them though and the surgeon even said I will get one in hospital the night before and morning of …

And she had me worried about her knowledge of after surgery care – she said outright she did not have any experience in aftercare for heart valve patients answered most questions with ask your sepecialist did not know when I should come back and told me I might not need warfarin even with a mechanical valve (!)

So I am back on the market for a GP Dr now with only 5 days till surgery…

I havent had a regular dr ever so maybe this is normal? Do many know about heart and warfarin issues?

My partner said to go to one in a retirement town as many old ppl have heart issues.

What should I ask the next GP?

Is it weird to get my cardiologist to recommend one.... kinda like a reverse referral?
Sometimes I can't get to sleep, this happens to every one. I find by taking Gravol while not being nauseated allows me to sleep. As far as I know it's not habit forming either and some anti-histamines have the same effect.
Funny enough when I was in much pain from a fractured arm reading Steven King novels took my mind away from what I was experiencing and when I couldn't read any further (it was too intense), closed the book and fell asleep.

By all means ask your cardiologist for a GP reference/referral. It is not good the doctor you describe above is so ill informed about post op valve patients and seems to be clueless about warfain. That can be a recipe for less than optimum care.

Do not worry about anyone's 'hurt feelings' IMO
Worry only about assuring you get the best care possible.

Were it me, I would be on the phone to my cardio and surgeon's offices.

Best wishes.