surgery date...

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
london ontario canada
just got word that i'm to go in for pre-op on wednesday, the 18th, and my surgery is going to be on thursday or friday, as long as i don't get bumped by someone tomorrow. apparently the surgery dates aren't written in stone here because of the shortage of hospital beds.
the surgeon had wanted an MRI before surgery but it was a special one and it would have taken too long to get me in so he's opted to go ahead without it. he's still going to attempt to repair the valve, but has warned me that more than likely i'll have a mechanical valve when i wake up.
i haven't been handling the waiting well... on the outside i'm calm and cool, but on the inside i'm screaming... especially since the complications of the angiogram, and the run in with the "doctor from hell" that told me there was nothing wrong with me and my symptoms were all in my head. (although he knew my diagnosis...) the angiogram quickly dispelled any other doubts about imaginary symptoms.
i'm very nervous about small complications, since i reacted to the dye with the angiogram, bled out twice, and developed an allergy to morphine in december.... i don't even know what they're going to give me for pain now...

happy to be done with the waiting, but nervous as hell now.....
You do sound a little keyed up. After the pre-op you may feel more relaxed. At that point all you have to do is show up. Be sure to mention all your concerns about "small complications" at the pre-op, especially if you have an interview with the anesthesiologist, and even during surgical prep if you can.
Hope your surgery date remains fixed.
Best wishes for an easy schedule, uneventful surgery, and smooth recovery no matter when.
Are we talking this Wednesday for the pre-op? Is so, that is coming along fast.:eek:
You are understandably nervous, but at least you won't have to wait and worry much longer.
If you don't get bumped tomorrow, and you stay on track for surgery either Thursday or Friday, will you please let us know?
Best wishes,
Nervous is normal but just think....soon the waiting, and the surgery, will be behind you and you can look forward to your recovery in time for riding season. ;) Hang in there. Best wishing on their way to you....

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