Surgery 7th June

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2011
United Kingdom
Well, I am going in at 2pm on 6th June for surgery on 7th (We dont do 5am starts). (Just after my 58th birthday).

An aortic valve repair is a possibility (Its tricuspid with a dodgy leaflet) otherwise it will be a carbomedics mechanical. After much poking about Aorta and arteries have been ruled OK. Even my BP is coming down after treatment.

We are expecting a wonderful summer this year, I am looking forward to taking a taxi to the beach each day for my excercise, a cup of tea and a lemon sorbet topped ice cream (local speciality). A new sea wall is being built so there is much to watch.

I have been much calmer this week (at last). Marfans has been ruled out (no surprise there) - but it opens the door to a repair. I even stayed calm on getting my FIRST speeding ticket in 35 yrs (35mph in a 30 zone). Perhaps I need striped pyjamas for hospital due to my criminality.

So two more weeks full time work and a weeks holiday, I will then be looking to drop to 3 days a week and semi-retire. Interestingly a major IT project is just getting underway and will run until about 2016 (when I will fully retire) - I hope to be involved and should be back up to speed for it.
Thanks for the information, and it sounds like you are at peace with the situation. I will be thinking of you as you move towards surgery, and look forward to hearing about your recovery!
Good to see you have a date now but it does make it all seem more real doesn't it? I do hope you have a successful and problem free surgery and recovery period. We may well find ourselves comparing notes over the coming months, you and I... the "class of 2011", hehe. :rolleyes2:

Best of luck to you!
Well, I am going in at 2pm on 6th June for surgery on 7th (We dont do 5am starts). (Just after my 58th birthday).

An aortic valve repair is a possibility (Its tricuspid with a dodgy leaflet) otherwise it will be a carbomedics mechanical. After much poking about Aorta and arteries have been ruled OK. Even my BP is coming down after treatment.

We are expecting a wonderful summer this year, I am looking forward to taking a taxi to the beach each day for my excercise, a cup of tea and a lemon sorbet topped ice cream (local speciality). A new sea wall is being built so there is much to watch.

I have been much calmer this week (at last). Marfans has been ruled out (no surprise there) - but it opens the door to a repair. I even stayed calm on getting my FIRST speeding ticket in 35 yrs (35mph in a 30 zone). Perhaps I need striped pyjamas for hospital due to my criminality.

So two more weeks full time work and a weeks holiday, I will then be looking to drop to 3 days a week and semi-retire. Interestingly a major IT project is just getting underway and will run until about 2016 (when I will fully retire) - I hope to be involved and should be back up to speed for it.

On the Calendar .....paryers and positive vibes to you
Leaky - It is good to be at peace with your plan. I remember that I found myself to be strangely calm once I had the plans worked out, and I've remained that way since (other than a few rough moments. . . ).

And to you, Leaky, and Chris -- Welcome to the Class of 2011!