Stuck heart rate

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Bobby Old Goat

New member
Oct 29, 2011
Lexington, Ky
I’m a 66 year old male and been a regular runner and cyclist for many years. I had one valve replaced, two valves repaired, and a MAZE procedure on June 22nd. Before that I had been in A Fib for a few years, it slowed me down but was still able to run and cycle. After the surgery, my heart rhythm returned to normal and resting heart rare was 50. About 4 weeks after surgery I was taken off all medication except for warfrin. I seemed to be recovering well and was able to build up to 2 mile runs 3 months after surgery. A few weeks later my heart rate got stuck around 110, It never varies more than 5 bpm from 110 whether I’m at rest or exercising. I can’t run more than a few hundred feet without being totally exhausted but my heart rate stays unchanged. It has stayed at this rate consistently for approximately a month. My cardiologist referred me to an electro physiologist who said I was in atrial flutter I wear a heart monitor and my heart stays consistently at this rate no matter whether I’m exercising or at rest. They both seem uncertain as to why my heart rate does not change when I'm exercising. They tried a few drugs that had no effect and are going to try shocking my heart next week.
Has anyone else experienced this? .
Sorry Bobby, but I am not any help to you on this one. I did have Atrial Flutter after my heart surgery, but for me it was a very rapid heartbeat that was also irregular. I would go from 135-160, skip a beat here and there, etc. I went into A-Flutter three times, and twice my body came out of it on it's own. The other time I was in the hospital overnight and put on a IV drip of something to drop the rate. I haven't heard of a situation similar to yours with a constant rate, no matter what you are doing. I hope you get some resolution! Have they tried metoprolol or amioderone for your rhythm?
...................and are going to try shocking my heart next week.
Has anyone else experienced this? .

Bobby WELCOME to the forum/family ....I would have the same questions that Jason has poised and if the shock works DO NOT HESITATE IF an ICD is suggested since 2008 mine has paced me once and delivered therapy (shocked) me twice but nothing more since Feb is my angel on my shoulder
I second the vote for an ICD if the EP says to go this route. I love my little bionic parts, including the pacemaker/ICD.
Thanks for the replies, they tried the medications you mentioned and a couple of other ones also but they had no effect on me. I was shocked Wednesday, my cardiologist told me my heart beat twice after the shock then stopped for about a minute. Chest compressions and medicines got it going again. A pacemaker was put in me Thursday, rhythm is back to normal and everything seems ok.
Thanks for the replies, they tried the medications you mentioned and a couple of other ones also but they had no effect on me. I was shocked Wednesday, my cardiologist told me my heart beat twice after the shock then stopped for about a minute. Chest compressions and medicines got it going again. A pacemaker was put in me Thursday, rhythm is back to normal and everything seems ok.

Bobby, it sounds like you had very timely and efficient treatment. Many patients have said that the pacemaker
becomes a new best friend.
Thanks for the update :)