Stretch's surgery went awesome!

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Hi everyone, this is Noni. I just came back from the Cardiac ICU at Beth Israel to see Stretch. His surgery today went well - Dr. Stelzer said everything fits perfectly, his arteries are "gorgeous." WOW! What a relief for me! :D Thank you for all your prayers. He was still asleep until late tonight or tomorrow morning. I will check him up again this evening, the doc said by tomorrow morning he should be to sit up and eat a liquid diet.

Also, we got to see Nan yesterday and she looked great! It was such a gift that we're connected to each other through this forum.

I will keep you updated with any new development. Until then, THANK YOU.


noni :)
What wonderful news- thanks so much for posting so quickly. I know you will sleep much more soundly tonight!:D Give him our best wishes for an uneventful recovery- we look forward to seeing him in "the shirt"!
Noni, Thanks so much for the update. Great News!!! I look forward to hearing about Stretch and his speedy recovery. I'm so happy for both of you.. :) Take care
Tell him not to hit any speed bumps! We want to see him back here and running 5 miles a day in two weeks! (Just kidding) :D

So happy for you and Stretch that all went well with his surgery!
He will still be in my prayers & thoughts for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Hope you get some good rest for yourself tonight - you deserve it!

Take Care!
Thanks, Noni!! Way to go, Stretch......picture perfect.....of course!!! :D

Keep up the good work.

Best wishes! Marguerite
Super news!!! As you can tell, we've all been waiting to hear the news. And we look forward to the shirt photo - disco pose and all.

I wish him an uneventful, boring recovery.
What a relief!!!! I knew he'd come through with flying colors! Take good care of him, Noni....and yourself as well!:)
Great news!

Great news!

I just knew it would go good. Noel asked me about an hour ago if I'd heard anything so please tell him Noel and Robbie said "Wonderful..great news."..and I know all of you are greatly relieved!
Noel and Robbie