Step Throat After AVR

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2003
Naples, Italy
I had a Ross done last November and have been pretty healthy until now. I came down with Strep Throat a few days ago and had the worst fever of my life. Temps running like 104.5 at night. My PCP sent me home with a Z-pac of antibiotics and it seems to be working. I was really worried when I had the fever that my valves were being damaged.

Question: Should post AVR patents be more concerned about strep or is it really not any different than for the rest of the heart healthy world?



Wish I knew the answer. I had 3-4 bouts of strep throat, beginning the day before my high school graduation, going through age 23.

Will you be having another culture done after you're through with the meds?

Take care of yourself....
There is evidence that if you wind up with bacterial endocarditis as a result of an illness during the first two-to-three months after AVR, your likelihood of dying of it is much greater than someone who has not had a valve change, or who has had it for a longer period of time. Obviously, you're past that time slot.

I didn't find anything that actually said you were more likely to get it just from having had a valve operation, but it seems to hang in the air when I read about it. You do appear to be more at risk to get it if you've had it in the past or have generally tenuous health to begin with. Again, no numbers.

Basically, I would make sure I get antibiotics in your situation (which you did), and not worry about it too much. The chances are generally quite small.

Best wishes,


My daughter started having sore throats around the same time. ..Every Sept. Would knock her down in Sept... first and scond year of college. Finally had her tonsils taken out summer before her Junior year. worked :D No more sore throats..(they were not strep..just really sore, fever. ect...) Chilihead..Hope you are doing better..Rinse with warm ..salty..water..Bonnie

The reason patients with heart valve disease are at a higher risk for endocarditis would be due to any anomaly in the valve that would allow bacteria in the blood (including strep) to attach, colonize, and form a vegetation on the valve. This is what happened to me last year (before my surgery) after an extended bout of bronchitis. And yes it was a strep bacteria that got me. In my case I feel less at risk for endocarditis now that I don't have my "funky" prolapsed aortic valve anymore, although the first few months after surgery one is generally more at risk until the heart has completely healed. It is also my understanding that anyone with a prosthetic valve is at more of a risk than the general population. That would include a mechanical, tissue, or homograft valve. Since us "rossers" do have homograft pulmonary valves we still have some risk factors.

I would just make sure to keep an eye on things and let your doctor know if you don't improve (sounds like you're already feeling better). You also might want to let your cardio know about the strep throat just to be on the safe side.