Staying the Course - Summer Already?

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
We skipped right over Spring! Hope all our hearty (pun intended) coursers are doing well! School is out and took a post graduation vacation for son #2! I just graduated high school, and I’m going to Disney World!

Anyone have any summer travel plans? Fitness journeys to share? In need of an empathetic ear to bend? This is the place for all of our courses!

Speaking of needing empathy. Two in college this fall. Yikes!

Speaking of fitness. I actually managed to lose a couple lbs in Disney this time! Still running and taking spin classes. Hope to hit the big 5-0 strong later (much later) this year!

A couple shots from the happiest place on earth!


Next up, Lois Lane and I will be hiking the Grand Canyon rim to rim in August. Florida heat was just practice. But it’s a dry heat? 😬
We’ve got a couple two liter water packs in our backpacks. I can carry more if it’s still an issue in a month. We’ve also had the norovirus rip through our house a couple times. I think we might have built up some immunity. Last time the kids got it, I was on clean up duty and never came down with it. It’s no joke, that’s for sure. Thanks for the warning, but I would have preferred blissful ignorance. 😁
but I would have preferred blissful ignorance. 😁
Well I can delete that post if you like :cool:

This bit was promising...
One tidbit of good news is that since the park has begun posting advisories about the illnesses, case reports have slowed to a trickle. The bulk of the cases occurred in May, suggesting the outbreak may be bottoming out.
Superman, get a good hiking water filter to take with you. Rim to Rim will be a long hot day and in August it will be very hot. I hope you enjoy it.

Oh, we’ve got an air conditioned cabin at the bottom and will rest up overnight. Plan on taking it slow. We’re out to experience the place, not set any crossing records. 😁

But I will check in to a filter just the same. 👍
But I will check in to a filter just the same. 👍
Stop by your local REI, and they will help you choose:
I always carry a little life straw and potable agua tables in my pack in case of emergency. For the rim-to-rim, I'd want the ability to fill up at the bottom with a more substantial but lightweight pump.

You don't want to end up like this poor soul:
Anyone have any summer travel plans? Fitness journeys to share? In need of an empathetic ear to bend? This is the place for all of our courses!
Our family is booked for a beach vacation in early August. I'll be ten weeks out from surgery. We signed the kiddos up for surfing camp since I probably won't be able to do my regular lifeguard duties playing in the big waves.

I need to get into beach shape between now and then... without lifting weights. :rolleyes:
Superman, it could be 100 degrees in the canyon. You might want to also take some electrolyte replacement. You will sweat and will need to replace the liquids and electrolytes. Not sure what's available, Gatorade is good but a powder that you can mix in your water would be a better solution for the hike. Check your hiking map to make sure there is a stream available.
It was over 30 years ago that our running group went to the Grand Canyon to do Rim to Rim and back in one day. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning on the trip there and couldn't do the run. It's still on my bucket list.
Superman, it could be 100 degrees in the canyon. You might want to also take some electrolyte replacement. You will sweat and will need to replace the liquids and electrolytes. Not sure what's available, Gatorade is good but a powder that you can mix in your water would be a better solution for the hike. Check your hiking map to make sure there is a stream available.
It was over 30 years ago that our running group went to the Grand Canyon to do Rim to Rim and back in one day. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning on the trip there and couldn't do the run. It's still on my bucket list.
Try Nuun Electrolyte tablets

looks lovely

I note your sig says: On Warfarin until I die.

but you could always choose to cease warfarin ... I mean before you die ... and its possible we find out that some of the direct X inhibitors are suitable for mech valves ... There are instances of lengthy periods without it (boy would I love to know those details)
but I'm not giving up my warfarin just yet ;-)

looks lovely

I note your sig says: On Warfarin until I die.

but you could always choose to cease warfarin ... I mean before you die ... and its possible we find out that some of the direct X inhibitors are suitable for mech valves ... There are instances of lengthy periods without it (boy would I love to know those details)

but I'm not giving up my warfarin just yet ;-)
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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