Staying the Course -- 7-17-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
It's getting harder to stay the course with Stay the Course to be honest. Maybe the Chimp was right, as with the Throwdown itself maybe this has run its course.

Finding it hard to be positive about much of anything. And that's not even counting all the horrible things going on in the world,which are to be discussed elsewhere.

My son, the rock of the family, is having surgery Monday for a very painful condition in his foot and leg. My dear wife found out in a nerve test yesterday that she has severe case of carpal tunnel -- in both hands -- and she, too, needs surgery, I'm now scheduled for a root canal and heavy-duty dental work creeps me out. I'm actually considering the specialist's offer of Valium to calm my nerves before the appointed day. Of course, there's the thing of my enlarging heart, which makes me wonder when I'll be getting pushed into an OR again. Amid all this, we're trying to help a granddaughter from Tennessee get resettled here so she can finish out high school in a good environment, and there are a thousand details to be handled.

After 15 years, Sadie Dog and I can no longer take daily walks because of the oppressive heat and humidity -- and frankly her condition. She pants a lot even without exertion, and stumbles and nearly falls just walking herself in the backyard. I hate to think about where this is heading and when, because she has been, like no other dog, my kindred spirit as I go deep into the senior years. I don't know how I would get along without her.

Well, this has been a helluva downer for a week-starter. On a slightly brighter side, I have been able to get to the workout room most days despite all the doctors' appointments and family taxi driving. Making the pool doesn't often work out, but t's still there. Have gone occasionally. I check in every day to Sparkpeople, but I avoid the scales. I practically begged my doctor to scold me about my weight, but she wouldn't do it -- she said actually I had lost a few pounds since my last six-month's appointment. But I know I am too heavy.

I suppose that's the secret of Staying your Course -- being positive. How do you do that? Prayer, meditation, focus, multitasking, counting your blessings, drinking a six-pack, reclining under an a-c vent...?

Should we just keep our course-staying to ourselves, and not share here (particularly when you have to put up with a Gloomy Gus like me)?
Sorry to hear your heart is heavy with so many things, Superbob. Try to take it one day and one thing at a time. Cross bridges when you come to them and don't darken today with tomorrow or next week or next month. You'll get the strength needed on a just-in-time basis. I'll pray for resilience in the midst of this for you to lift your spirits and help you envision things turning out well.

I'm not sure how well the group is functioning as a weight loss effort, more friendship-based. So I think the question is, is it providing connections people still value and is the thread the best way to keep those.
Thanks, Dornole, you expressed a good philosophy -- I tend to overthink things.

Also, you are definitely right this is no longer a weight loss forum, really. No weekly weigh-ins. It's more about moving on with our heart challenges. I don't know if it's specific enough to continue. Depends on if we have enough folks who find it valuable to have it here as a sounding board or reporting place, whatever.

If we do try for a while, maybe I ought to do the week starter on a Monday..... Friday is a continuation of doing a weeks'end weigh-in. Maybe Monday (or Sunday) would be better for trying to look on the positive side as we start a new "workweek." And I will try to get myself back on the positive side. Just started thinking about too many sad things all at once, and the terrible happenings yesterday in Tennessee didn't help. My heart is heavy for those Marines and their families and all the others who were hurt.
Hope things work out well for your family - and you - Superbob, and that everyone's health issues get resolved without too much stress or pain. It's bad when all those things happen at once.
Chin up Superbob, if it's any consolation the carpal tunnel operation is simple and superficial. My mother had it and it was a piece of cake.
I'm also saddened by what happened in Tennessee. I won't say what I think of the scumbags that do these sort of things, because Hank might have to censor the language.
I write only occasionally, but reading the posts on the forum has become part of my daily ritual.
Take care.
Thanks Agian, Dornole, Paleogirl for the welcome words of encouragement. I am doing better today. One thing at a time. One day at a time. Quit the overthinking, Superbob.

I think I will post a new week's starter on Monday, starting a new tradition. Looking ahead, positive. what's ahead for the week, steely resolve and all that. Fitness, exercise still prominent on the radar, but other aspects of Staying the Course, too. Cheerio, all.:Face-Smile:
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SB - I just "tuned back in" and saw a bit of what you're going through. I feel your pain, as we, too, have some family situations that are pretty discouraging right now. In our case, we feel that things "will work out" but it may take a while and we don't know just when to expect relief. (Our daughter is struggling with a new baby, and the poor little guy is having much trouble with his formula. It seems that he is allergic to almost everything right now, and all of the formulas tried irritate his digestive system. This leads to one very cranky baby, and makes mommy and daddy into zombies. Hard to watch from 1,000 miles away when we're both still working and can't just run out there to help.)

I hope STC can survive. This forum seems to have become the "social center" here at VR, since Small Talk has become so quiet. This is the only place where I can visit with friends and just chat about whatever is happening. For me, it serves a purpose.

I wouldn't mind if we re-starter periodic weigh-in's. Heck, I'd even admit that I haven't made much (any) progress since early June (its true, its true), but for me, I'm happy just to remain at a steady weight and hope to control it over the fall and winter so that I don't gain my "winter cushion" back again. In the case of many of us, as we advance in age, our need may be more in general health management than in specific weight targets. I don't really know, as I have only a sample of one so far.

Maybe we should develop a membership roster and hold a weekly "roll call" just to be sure that all of our folks are still managing OK. What else can we add, just to make things interesting?

Sorry that you are going through issues at the moment

I camtoffer anything better than has already been said but I did want to say something to this ...

Superbob;n856913 said:
It's getting harder to stay the course with Stay the Course to be honest...
Should we just keep our course-staying to ourselves, and not share here (particularly when you have to put up with a Gloomy Gus like me)?

You should post here however gloomy it seems to you. To others who are not in the gloom room they can offer alternative views. Eventually some may fit with you and help.

Even writing it is important as keeping it internalised mmagnifies it in your mind, making it worse. My advice is to talk about it no matter if you feel like you are being negative. You don't need to pretend to be cheered up if you aren't.

I missed is post because it seemed like another diet fad post (to which I have no inputs). So perhaps if you're feeling the glooms or the doldrums put that in the header :)

Best wishes
epstns;n856947 said:
Maybe we should develop a membership roster and hold a weekly "roll call" just to be sure that all of our folks are still managing OK. What else can we add, just to make things interesting?

Myself I think either here or Smalltalk. I had no idea what the hell throwdowns meant when I joined. I thought it may be topics to throw down for discussion.

Perhaps that's another take on it and if the subject line was clear perhaps others could toss in their mental coinage ?

We all know that health difficulties weigh on the mind, so it seems logical we would all be supportive.

What if the subject was:
Having trouble seeing positives: everyone around me sick, help!

I know I would respond to that ...
I'm with Pelilcle here. I've had some weight issues since surgery but mostly its a positive thinking issue. Be nice to have a place to just vent. I sometimes just need to unload and I'm sure people on here can relate to most pitfalls of OHS