Staying the Course -- 11-07-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
November is here! -- One of my favorite months -- love the cool, crisp weather -- great for walking. Though my back was acting up, Ellie and I just had a nice long morning walk. Nearly 5,000 steps already today. Got to fight through any back flare-ups -- stay the course. Last evening, my son and I took my 2-yer-old grandboy Brooks to the amazing aquarium here -- that was loads of fun. Lot of walking to see all the living exhibits too!

Tomorrow we get a long, long political campaign behind us in the USA, and that has to be good. Clear the mind for longer walks, hot chocolate, the giving of thanks, harvest feasts, holiday season...lots of good things to look forward to.

Hope all are well. This is the month of my birthday -- so there will be some cake and ice cream to enjoy -- in moderation of course.

Look forward to hearing how y'all are doing.


Amen to the end of the presidential campaign! I'll check the news Wednesday morning and find out who our new president is.

I had a cheat week and now have to lose two pounds on top of what I already had to lose. Gotta stay the course for sure.

taying the
Aww I was looking forward to that article giving me a righteous excuse! I definitely get rewards from exercising although I still hate it. I am an inherently lazy person so some of my motivational and bribery tactics can be interesting.

I just ran 5km and that's all I have done so far this week. I was without a car today but got a lift to and from work because it is officially too warm to walk in Queensland now without arriving at work a hot mess. Eww! I. Am. Moving. To. Alaska.
Agian;n870076 said:
Or Finland.

I can report it was a lovely -6C today ... and cycling around town I did not work up a sweat (even though I was cycling into headwinds and doing about 30Km/H
It has been nice here, too - at least for early November. The last few days it has been sunny and in the low 60's (F). Too bad I didn't have time for more outdoor activity, but at least there was some.

I've altered my afternoon workout for now. My knees have been bothering me, so instead of power-walking, I've switched to an elliptical machine. I find that I can get a good workout (based upon heart rate and time) with literally no impact on my knees. Maybe after a few weeks of this I will be able to get back outdoors to walk - at least until the snow flies. After that it is "iffy" since there is always one or two houses on a block where they don't shovel the snow, and it is not really safe to walk in the streets. Even in our little residential area, cars will just run pedestrians off the street - even if you are in a marked crosswalk. Very few police patrols. The cops are all out fighting "crime."

I'm in a sort of "holding pattern" right now. My valve, bypass and pacemaker are doing fine, but I'm awaiting the phone call to schedule some other medical treatment. I'm hoping that we can get that finished before Thanksgiving (or at least by Christmas). Hopefully after that I can get back to my regularly scheduled life, with just regularly scheduled check-ups with all of my army of specialists for all of my co-morbidities. Isn't getting old great? (Oh, yes, I DO really appreciate having this life. The alternative is much less attractive!)
It's suddenly got cold here near London, UK - max 5 C today which is 41 F. (2 C first thing this morning). That is unusually cold for this time of year down this way but it does happen, very variable weather, even snow sometimes in November and other times mildish with loads of rain.

I know what you mean about "army of specialists for all my co-morbidities" Steve - I am under four specialists for my co-morbidities, but none of them are due to age and they're not connected with each other. I think age will bring more problems though as I've been geting pains in finger and toe joints - arthritis ? Some 20 years ago I had arthroscopy on my left knee to fix a torn cartilage and the surgeon said I might get arthritis in that joint, but so far so good, and I do lots of walking.....couldn't use an eliptical machine as I know that would screw my knees, ankles and hips. Hope you can get back to walking Steve - it's nice to do as well as wonderful exercise.
Well, Anne, I still do some walking - just not the power-walking in a fitness environment. I try to get out every day, weather permitting, for a 2 or 3 mile walk. I find that during the time I'm walking, I can let my mind process a lot of issues and I come home more relaxed than when I started. I usually walk outdoors either after lunch or after dinner. I do get to the fitness center on work days, too, right after work and before I go home to dinner.

I'm paranoid about gaining weight. I have a sister who is just slightly shorter than I, but she weighs easily double what I do. I don't ever want to go there. . . so I will stay as active as I can for as long as I can.
I understand now Steve - you were walking using a special technique, the power walking. I see from this website that it says it can cause injuries: I just do ordianry walking, but brisk ordinary walking, preferably over hills, but unfortunatley the ground is pretty flat where I live, but I'll walk along the river or anywhere I need to go, like today I had to deliver a letter to my GP so that was a mile and half there and the same distance back, so I got in three miles. I can't drive so I haven't an excuse ! Mind you dh could take me but our car is getting on a bit (14 years old) so I don't like to use it for short journeys. I'm very careful about footware as I have injuries on my feet and if I wear the wrong stuff for walking it can screw my feet and ankles for a couple of months. I'll also walk indoors if the weather is bad - I like walking in bare feet but wouldn't dare walk like that outside - have you seen this website:

All the best that you recover quickly !

PS - I didn't know the bare foot doc's opening page had an article about sex ! That's not what it's ever had before ! Yikes !
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Just wanted to say I enjoyed very much this week's discussions on walking and exercise. HB, I reckon your post of the story on genetic predisposition to not like exercise kicked it off. I think I have favored exercise over my earthly existence -- even ran marathons at one time (in what now seems a previous existence). It does get harder to get going (at least for me) with aging (which ain't for wimps) and the physical challenges it brings. But all this reminds me: I need to get out for a second walk of the day with my loyal dawg. Cheers, all!