Staying the Course -- 02-22-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Whew, just another manic Monday! Workload overload -- yes even at my ancient age, I still work, though supposedly on my own schedule. Not necessarily on own deadlines, however. Anyway, I am late starting this thread.

Will just say for now: my big news was that I am now down 9 pounds since bringing rescue dog Ellie into our home six week ago. Yes, I have spent some $$$ on her, but she replaces the cost of a gym membership and a personal trainer. And of course the companionship of a sweet dog is priceless.

That's all for now. Maybe I will have time to write more late tonight, or tomorrow for certain. We are going into a rainy four days so I probably will be here a lot, and Ellie and I will have to walk between the raindrops.


Congratulations on the weight loss, Superbob. My news is that the city's first ever Dunkin Donuts opened last week (!) and I hit the drive thru this morning. Three donuts later means no getting on the scales for a few days.😳
Congratulations, Superbob, on the fabulous weight loss. And excellent work, Ellie, the super canine trainer! What a wonderful way to begin the week.
(Somehow the money I spend on my dogs doesn't count. Tina had two surgeries on her doggy ACLs and I wouldn't have it any other way).

My weight is up about 4 pounds but I start rehab on Wednesday so perhaps I will get off my !@#$% and get back in shape.

Good luck with the cardiac rehab, Amy -- I really enjoyed mine 11 years ago. Got much benefit from it.

Duffey, a Dunkin Donuts complete with drive-thru opened in our 'hood not too long ago. Fortunately, I've never developed a taste for DDs. Just an occasional vanilla one with sprinkles is sufficient treat. However, if a Krispy Kreme drive-thru ever comes to our vicinity, I will have to battle to stay under 300 pounds!

Moderation in all things. : )

We are due to have some very stormy weather tomorrow. Local schools are closed in anticipation. Trying to figure how Ellie and I will get our walks. Hopefully the weather reports will be let us know when there will be a little clearing.
Way to go on the weight loss SB! Good girl, Ellie.

There are no DDs near my house, only Shipley's donuts. I prefer DD. Don't care for Krispy Kreme.

Let the Donut Wars begin!

Question: I don't want to start a new post just to ask this. Are we considered to have heart disease if our diseased valve has been replaced and we don't have other heart-related issues? Or does the fact that we are on medication of one sort or another keep us in the "diseased" category?
Honey bunny, I always answer no to whether I suffer from heart disease post replacement. Regarding my donut dilemma, although I have eaten six DD since Saturday, yesterday's scale shows a two pound loss. I must be over compensating by reducing the rest of my daily calorie intake. No complaints from me! Superbob, watch out for falling branches or debris if you choose to walk Ellie in this weather.
Duffey has a new book coming out, "The Doughnut Diet'! lol Congrats on the loss.

Good question, HB. On many forms I've filled out, when have "heart disease" on a list, I've checked "no." Because doggone it, I had a congenital heart defect that was corrected by surgery. And my cholesterol and triglycerides are great, and I had no coronary blockages show up in the pre-surgry cath etc....However, on some occasions I may have added explanatory notes because I do want my doctors, some more than others, to know my heart history.

Ellie and I got up early and got the main walk of the day in. Storm warning starts around 10 this morning. Hopefully whatever the storm, it will have passed by early evening and we can take a good second walk. Ellie is a two-a-day walker; had gotten it down to one a day with sweet Sadie, so I am stepping it up.

P.S. -- Steve and I mut have hit the send button about the same time. I think he is right that a "yes' would be in order on an insurance form. However, I would attach a note of explanation. Steve, hope your DW's wrist heals well and rest of recovery is smooth. You all be careful in that latest snowstorm.
It sounds like things are picking up here. Congratulations folks, on your weight loss, and SB - congratulate Ellie for us, too. She is surely a good thing for you.

I'm still here, but going nuts with all the schedule disruptions. Since my wife still cannot drive, I'm taking her to all of her appointments, and going to my own as well - in addition to working (more than) full-time. It gets hectic, and I ended up spending the evening yesterday napping, THEN going to bed for the night. Guess it all catches up with us sometimes.

We are on a watch for the 3 to 7" of snow that is supposed to be on its way today. I'm not too happy about that, as I'll have to shovel it all myself. Usually I do the long driveway and sidewalk, while my wife does the front porch and stairs. Too bad the snow blower is too clumsy to drag up the stairs onto the porch. . .

Regarding the question of whether we still have heart disease. . . it depends upon who is asking. If an insurance company is asking, the "official" answer is "yes." We still have the disease even after replacement, as far as they are concerned. If anyone else is asking, I'd answer the question however I felt. If the person asking really has no "need to know" then I'd say no.
Congratulations on the weight loss, Superbob!

I have read that we valvers have lifelong heart disease. With our native valves, it's bicuspid aortic valve disease, aortic stenssis, etc.. With our prosthetic replacements, it becomes prosthetic aortic heart valve disease. I suppose this is an acknowledgement that we are not permanently cured through AVR. We still need to be monitored, etc.

I had a screening colonoscopy today, my fourth in the last 17 years. I have had small polyps in the past, but none today...hooray! The ACC/AHA guidelines do not specify premedication for colonoscopies. However, my gastroenterologist gave me antibiotics via the IV. He explained that he wanted to protect the valve since it was new, just a year old, and that next time I probably wouldn't need the meds. I thought this was interesting and worth passing along.

FWIW, I asked one of my rehab nurses about the heart disease business. She was on the fence regarding valve replacement, reasoning that the diseased valve was no more, and heart disease is coronary heart disease. But I had a bypass and still have partial blockage in two arteries so I definitely have heart disease.

Thanks everyone for the responses.
I'm on a medication which a person must not have if they have "heart disease". Both my cardiologist and other specialists and GP say that I do not have "heart disease" and therefore that med is fine for me to have. They say, and I concur, that bicuspid aortic valve is a birth defect, not a disease. The same with us now we have had replacment valves - it's not disease but a structural 'defect' in a sense. "Heart disease" is when a person has something like coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis, those types of conditions that have developed.
Lots of good (though varied) responses on "heart disease." Don't know that I flatly disagree with any of them. My approach would be to give a doctor my complete medical history regardless how i marked the "heart disease" box. As for insurance, I don't worry about that because there is no way I could purchase any more of that at less than a exorbitant rate. Anyway. good discussion, folks. Hope all are doing okay -- with all the crazy weather of February!