Staying the Course -- 02-01-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Wow, just a quick hello for now and happy start of the new week. Off to grocery and other errands, and then to Aqua Therapy -- something to look forward to; I do love this form of exercise. Good walk with Ellie dawg to start the day. HOA is approving my fence so in a week or so, should be able to play ball with her in backyard with her off a leash. She still is runaway Sue if she gets the chance.

More later...Love to hear from you all.....

Amy, really glad you joined us. Love to hear more about your dogs and your recovery.


Best news of the new week here in Philadelphia is that the 22.5" of snow we got last weekend is just about gone. Weight-wise, I bounced up a couple of lbs. off of my target weight of 180 and so I have to re-double my efforts if I want to finally reach the target. I almost made it, but not quite and now I'm at 182 and change. It's so easy to have that extra portion, that extra large slice of cake, or the extra chocolate. The winter weather doesn't help either with some activities being limited. Oh well...back to grinding down the lbs. Wishing everyone a good week!

Well, Jim, I know that "winter weight" feeling. I'm still struggling with the few pounds I picked up over the holidays -- can't seem to shake them. At the moment I'm just glad to stop the upward trend of the scale. I can somehow work it off as soon as the weather improves.

Glad to see everyone hanging on.
Breaking news: Vet called this morning, and I could hear the good news in her tone of voice before she got to the message: Ellie dawg's biopsies came back benign. No cancer; she's fine. Whew, that is a relief. The Vet had said we could watch it and see if it grew, but I was afraid it might be bad stuff and spread. I'm glad I went ahead with the procedure.

I'm now down 9 pounds thanks to my superb personal trainer, Ellie Mae, Superdawg II. I sure needed to get back to dawgwalking.

We have been blessed with springlike weather for a few days; supposed to turn cold again toward end of week.

Glad to hear our Stay the Course folks are hanging in there with the winter weather.
What great news, SB! I'm always glad to hear these reports - whether they are for humans or for our four-legged children. Now you can get on with getting to know Ellie and helping her to realize that she has a great home, so there is no need to blot when she sees an open gate.

Can you send us some of that spring-like weather? We've not had it that bad, but just days of rain makes it dreary.
Our springlike weather is about to come to an end: 70s today, heavy rain tomorrow with falling temps, and heavy rain on Super Sunday with highs in the 40s. Oh well, that will make it a good day to eat chili (which DW and I will be making Saturday) and watch the big game (or the commercials or a movie)....
It's Go Red for Women day -- all Stay the Coursers wearing red today to help raise awareness of heart disease challenges for women? Superbob is!

And good goin' dornole! Steady goes the course -- pound at a time is progress.
Late to post, Bob. I apologize. What wonderful news about the benign report. That is a huge relief. Cool news about the fence - Chasing balls in the yard is super fun. My dogs are runaway Sues, too, when they get the chance. It is frustrating because they know they are in a loving home -- but I guess the call of the wild runs deep in some pups.

Hi Amy -- good to hear from you! HOA finally approved my fence plan -- don't know why the delay, just HOA bureaucracy I guess. What I really have to watch is when the grandkids come in and just leave the storm door as only door closed. Ellie really knows how to manipulate the handles and get out the door. I routinely close both doors now. She must have learned that trick in her original household. No, I'm sure she's happy here, but there is a big wide world to explore. Two-a-day walks with an old geezer may not be enough for her. I just worry if she ever gets out and gets lost -- she has full ID plus is microchipped but you never know what could happen. I will have to watch her escape efforts with a fence too -- probably will need to put a chain around the gate,and plan to go out back also rather than just letting her out there alone, at least til I'm 100% sure it's escape-proof (if ever).