St. Judes Valve

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2002
Fort Wayne, Indiana
What are your thoughts regarding a St Judes Mitral Valve? Reliability, etc.

This is what my DR will have onhand Monday incase a repair is not an option once he's in.:confused:
St. Jude ownes the market for mechanical valves. Most surgeons are pretty well trained on the St. Jude.
good for 100 Years!

good for 100 Years!

I have a mitral St.Judes Valve that they say is good for 100 years. I'd like to wear it out but I'm 75 years old now! All jokes aside I'm now 4 years post op and very happy with the valve. Neither me or
my wife(who has better hearing) can hear it anymore. I got short of breath walking 50 yards before the surgery and yesterday did 3 miles at 3% grade in 45 minutes on the treadmill with no problem. My only warning to you is it takes longer than they say to get feeling well after the surgery. For a young otherwise healthy person I think its six months minimum; for us older people it can be over a year. I hope you get a repair but if not St. Jude valves are fine.
Recovery Period

Recovery Period

Dr. Marty, I'm so glad to hear you say the truth about recovery time...:) My surgeon told me at 3 weeks I would feel great by 10 weeks.:p :p :p I'm up in your age bracket and at 6 months I was just beginning to feel better..but I still have those good days:D and those bad days:( I really believe weather plays a big role..Today was a windy day and I couldn't stand to be outside long..chilled to the I still say to all recovery patients..One day at a time:) :) Bonnie
I beat the heck out of a St Jude Aortic valve every time I hit the streets running and it keeps clicking! I never had a choice in the selection but what I understand about the materials and the stats you can reference on, it is one of the best. I'm a part of they are a part of me. Best wishes!

AVR '93 / '95
St. Jude

St. Jude

Takes a lickin and keeps on clickin!

I have the aortic, but I have grown quite attached to it.

I would recommend it to my loved ones heaven forbid they should ever need such a thing.:)
Hey Ter, I hope all goes well on your repair. If not, the St. Jude valve is another excellent option. I have 2 of 'em, mitral and aortic.
Watch it buddy!

Watch it buddy!

Hey big guy!

Watch how you call my "double-clicker" buddy, Johnny a show off! We click with the best of 'em!
Johnny and Perry

Johnny and Perry

PLEASE leave the Resident Nut alone..Do not pick on him..I am his Therapist :D :D :D We're making progress on his behavior:p :p Bonnie

You have CRS don't you?

BTW Ross, how's your new clicking body-part doing? I don't see you whining about the noise or your INR.


Nancy, I almost forgot to congratulate St. Joe on his anniversary. What a milestone! We youngins' love hearing this news.
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Please do not confuse me or my patient.:mad: What is CRS?:p :p :p BTW. My patient cannot hear his clicking because he has tubes stuck in his nose (O2):D :D Bonnie
I can't hear the thing at all. My wife can and she said it sounds like finger nails being clicked together. I could complain about my INR, but like everyone else, it's all over the place. I'm seeing my regular Coumadin Clinic Nurse now, so I would hope I'll be in the proper range by this Tuesday. It's been as high as 4.4 and as low as 1.3. Just haven't found the sweet spot yet.

CRS-Why of course that's what I have and my therapist keeps changing the location of my pills to remember things. :p
[i I have 2 st. jude valves my pulmonary and aortic valves. They make very little sound unless you are prone to pleuraleffusion. They also chew upyourredblood cells unless you keep your INR around 3.0they also last
Good luck with your surgery .
