st. jude seems louder than normal.

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2008
Baltimore MD
My cardio switched me from toporol to carvedilol, and my heart seems to be beating harder, and my valve is louder. It seems I can feel it more. But if I take a deep breath, the clicks get softer. My BP hasn't changed any, its good at 115/72 ish with a heart rate in the 65-70 range. Also, I used to hear the clicks in the back of my neck, now the clicks are coming from my throat area. Anyone with this experience? Am I being completely paranoid? Is this in the right forum? TIA
Do you have a Stethoscope so that you can listen to your heartbeat and determine if it is beating irregularly?

If not, you can purchase an inexpensive one at most pharmacies or medical supply houses.
Change of medication, in my opinion, should not make any difference like that as they both are similar. Have you done anything else since you switched lifting or exercising or??
Everyones body accoustics are different. You may not have enough insulation around it.

As said ... the valve itself does not change sound ... body acoustics can and do change ... I do not know what all the factors may be but fluid, weight, lung congestion, etc can have an affect on how much you "hear and or feel" you valve .... I can go months without hearing or feeling mine and then wham, a cold or sinus and there it is ... the longer you have it the less noticeable it will become.
Change of medication, in my opinion, should not make any difference like that as they both are similar. Have you done anything else since you switched lifting or exercising or??

Yes, I have been hitting the gym more. And riding my bicycle on the weekends 30 miles at a time.

Thanks for all the answers. I think I will get a cheap stethoscope to have a listen. When I take a real deep breath it gets a lot softer and quieter to me. However I tried that experiment with my wife listening to the volume of the click, and when I took a deep breath she didn't notice any difference.

Very thoughtfull answers, thanks.
Just like changes in the atmosphere make it easier or more difficult to hear the loudspeaker and bands at the football field 5 miles away, changes in the atmosphere of your body can make the valve louder or softer. Like Eva said, Toprol and Carvedilol are pretty similar, but Carvedilol should have more of an effect on your blood pressure. Are you sure it's the same? Al, do you really need a stethoscope to tell if your heart is beating irregularly? All I have to do is get in a quiet room, the bathtub, bed, or face a window or mirror and listen! Most of the time I don't notice it, but in those situations, if I pay attention, it's pretty clear (and often irregular with PACs).
if anything, my BP is a bit higher than before. If I am resting and my heart rate is lower (58-64) my BP is a bit higher than when I'm resting and my heart rate is 65-72. AFAIK I haven't had any irregular beats or palpatations.
Just like changes in the atmosphere make it easier or more difficult to hear the loudspeaker and bands at the football field 5 miles away, changes in the atmosphere of your body can make the valve louder or softer. Like Eva said, Toprol and Carvedilol are pretty similar, but Carvedilol should have more of an effect on your blood pressure. Are you sure it's the same?

I just thought of something, I have been having spring alergy reactions, maybe that has something to so with it.