Sprint Triathlon Success!

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Nov 24, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Successfully completed the Lake Lanier Sprint Triathlon yesterday, just less than two years after my replacement surgery. Great success.
That's great! Congratulations! I'm also happy to hear this b/c I want to look into doing a triathlon (eventually, just ran my first 5k last month...) Do they have that one every year at Lake Lanier? What is the total distance?
Congrats!!!! I too live up that way, haven't had surgery yet, but once i do i wanna look into that stuff too. I think it would be cool if we all met sometime for a workout session and coffee sometime.

Congrats again on completing the Triathlon!
That's great! Congratulations! I'm also happy to hear this b/c I want to look into doing a triathlon (eventually, just ran my first 5k last month...) Do they have that one every year at Lake Lanier? What is the total distance?

sprints are half the distance of olympic triathlons. 750m swimming,20km bike and 5km run.

I'm looking forward to doing a duathlon and working my way up eventually to a triathlon since my swimming skills are lacking.

BTW..... Congrats on your achievement Spooly!
sprints are half the distance of olympic triathlons. 750km swimming,20km bike and 5km run.

I'm looking forward to doing a duathlon and working my way up eventually to a triathlon since my swimming skills are lacking.

Actually sprints vary in distances depending on the venue. There are no set standards, at least around where I live and some of the ones I used to do.
BTW, don't worry about the swimming, like everything else it takes time and practice. After 20+ years of it, I'm still not very good but good enough to get thru the distances, slowly!
hmmm, what's that saying around vr town?

hmmm, what's that saying around vr town?

This thread is worthless without pictures.....:p We love pictures of our events so if you have any, please share.

Congratulations Brian. :)
Great job on the sprint tri! If you'd like to work up to a half ironman, Syracuse is hosting it's first ever next year, September 2010.....free room and board at the Price's!
Hey Thanks. I actually loved it and am now planning my next one. Would like to do a few sprints, move to Olympic distance, and then consider half ironman (maybe for 2011). Gotta work on swimming big time though. Need some serious adult lessons.
That's great! Congratulations! I'm also happy to hear this b/c I want to look into doing a triathlon (eventually, just ran my first 5k last month...) Do they have that one every year at Lake Lanier? What is the total distance?

Thanks! Yes, this was the 4th year I believe for this event at Lake Lanier. It is already up to perhaps 800 - 1000 people, and was well run and a lot of fun. 400yd swim, 13 miles on the bike, and then a 5K run.
Check it out:

I believe there is also a Women's triathlon at Lake Lanier each year during the summer. I think you should go for it! I am so glad I did.
Thanks again to all of you guys. Looking to get an olympic length race on the calendar for the spring. Anyone have any comments on the St. Anthony's triathlon in St. Petersburg, FL in April or the Turtle Crawl triathlon on Jekyll Island in May? Curious if any of you guys have done either one of these events. I would love to be able to do them both. Anybody feel like committing?