Speaking of ugly scars...

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Susan BAV

:eek: I had my first heart surgery, and resulting twelve inch-long scar, 28 years ago this week.

What a shock that was. I knew I had the condition, and was always followed for it medically, and was given many physical restrictions for it. But the urgency of the necessity of the surgery to repair the first part of my condition, the coarctation of the aorta, was sudden. A lot of you have gone through the same or worse.

We lived in the midwest at that time and my dear old dad, who would have been celebrating his 50th anniversary with my mother this month were he still alive, wanted only the best for his only daughter. So he communicated with Houston, as it were, and took me down to Texas for the famous Dr. Denton Cooley to operate. Amazing surgeon!

But I was a skinny little seventeen year old who had just graduated from high school, ready for college registration, and the gargantuan twelve inch-long scar snaking around and across and up my back was a shocker in both appearance and pain. Somehow I managed to sail through it all but I'm sure the moral support of family and friends was a big factor in that. A few months later, a very nice man asked me to marry him; and shortly afterward my family doctor told me that having children wouldn't be safe for me with my heart defect and bicuspid valve. While that was also shocking and disappointing, my dear old dad comforted me again. I married that very nice man, "Mr. W," to whom I have been married for over 27 years now. We had two healthy and happy sons together, both of whom are also happily married now. I realize that the family doctor was well-meaning though.

Regarding ugly scars, and there is a simultaneous thread on site right now about scars and wires, coarctation repair scars can only heal like a lumpy quilt because of how all the muscles are cut. My dad told me that I shouldn't mind my coarctation scar, which I used to complain about; he told me it was a war wound and that I had survived. He died before I had to have the bicuspid replaced nearly four years ago, but he would have found something comforting to say about this ugly scar too. I sure miss him.

And now, twenty inches of ugly heart surgery scars (not including three drain holes) and twenty-eight years later, I'm so glad to be alive!
Happ Anniversary, Susan! So glad that life has turned out so well, scars and all - I know your father is smiling down on you!
Dear Susan:

From one Cooley patient to another --- happy 28th anniversary & may you be blessed with many, many others! Your daddy, God rest his soul was right -- our scars are "war wounds" & they help to remind us day in & day out, how precious our life here on earth is! So wear your scar proudly! You're a survivor!

Take care & God bless!:)
You know, your posting tawdry shirt material don't you? Come on now, don't tease me. Show us that scar.

Mine is ugly. I chalk it up to being my badge of courage, won in the battle of my life.
What a nice tribute to a great Dad! Happy 28th and wishing you many more years of reminiscing!
Wishing you a Happy Anniversary and many more. :)

What a great post! Thank you for it.
Been through one OHS and teetering on the edge for another. So posts like yours give me strength. I can use all of that I can muster.

Happy you are doing so well.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"My heart is like an open highway" ... Bon Jovi ... 'It's My Life'
Long Ago, one of our members, BillCobit I think, told a GREAT STORY about how his scar helped him get his driveway fixed to his satisfaction.

Some guys were working on his driveway but he wasn't pleased with the result when he drove up on his motorcycle (a Harley?). He wanted them to clean up something but they weren't particularly motivated.

The details are fuzzy, but I think he pulled off his Tee Shirt and asked them to clean up something. One of the guys asked him how he got that SCAR. Non-chalantly, he replied "Knife Fight".

The other guy just said, "Shut up and do as he says. You don't want to fool with ...." something about Hell's Angels and Harleys...

Wish I could find that post!

'AL Capshaw'

(Sorry this had nothing to do with your scar Susan.
I agree, that was a nice tribute to your Dad.)
ALCapshaw2 said:
Long Ago, one of our members, BillCobit I think, told a GREAT STORY about how his scar helped him get his driveway fixed to his satisfaction.

Some guys were working on his driveway but he wasn't pleased with the result when he drove up on his motorcycle (a Harley?). He wanted them to clean up something but they weren't particularly motivated.

The details are fuzzy, but I think he pulled off his Tee Shirt and asked them to clean up something. One of the guys asked him how he got that SCAR. Non-chalantly, he replied "Knife Fight".

The other guy just said, "Shut up and do as he says. You don't want to fool with ...." something about Hell's Angels and Harleys...

Hmmmmm.....I'm going to have to keep that one in my back pocket :rolleyes:
thank you

thank you

I meant to thank you all for your kind words.

"Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became a butterfly:)."

(...probably with a gnarly scar or two...:rolleyes: )
Amazing Susan! Thanks for sharing....

I would say we should all post a picture of our own scars but the Naughty Police might come after us.

Ohhhhh Beeeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaaave.

Should I post my picture and see if anyone blasts me?

Wonderful post, Susan. I too am very, very close to my father. His mind is dying and I'm losing him little by little. I am losing my best friend. I can totally relate to how much you miss someone who has always been able to say the right things at the right time.

At age 17 I don't know how I would've dealt with a scar like that. I'm sure it was life changing as well as life giving.

Thanks for sharing.

Bina said:
Adam, go ahead.....our expert web master will keep the Naughty Police away:)

Alright Bina...

Here goes nothing!!!


I'm too sexy for my scar.
Too sexy for my scar.
Too sexy by far...


Anyone remember that song?
Thanks Adam. You had your surgery Dec 2005 and I had mine Feb 2006 and your scar looks very similar to mine. I just have a few extra bullet holes from when I was re-admitted to get fluid drained. Is yours still sensitive and/or itchy? Mine still is, especially when I sweat, like in this hot weather.
Scars + Dads

Scars + Dads

Susan, Nice post! I like your Dad. Mine was there for me physically, Driving me to get pro times and checkups. He's been gone 10 years now, but I miss him a lot too. I don't know about flaunting our scars, but I don't think we should hide them.I think folks appreciate seeing someone who's been through a lot, and is still around and active. All the best, Brian