Something you dont know about me

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I never smoked, but I wanted to understand the psychology of smoking, as I heard it was more addictive than heroin. So I read a book called "Kicking It, the New Way to Stop Smoking Permanently" by Dr. David L. Geisinger, 1978, Signet books (paperback). Great book! Shows you all the tricks the tobacco companies have used, and the habits you picked up, like flicking your ashes, playing with the lighter, etc. It was interesting to note that folks often set a quit date, and then go off to have their last cigarette, puffing away to "enjoy" what should be their last smoke. Wrong! The book exposes the flaw behind this quitting strategy in that your memory of your last cigarette is a pleasurable one. The book sets you up with a program where first you reduce the number of cigarettes gradually, switching to different brands, and even brands you don't like. Then, on the last day, the book has you puff away on three cigarettes in quick succession, inhaling deeply and looking at yourself in the mirror, so you won't be left with a pleasurable memory of your last cigarette. There's a lot more to it than that, but that will give you an idea of what its about. I can tell you that I can notice when a smoker gets on the elevator at work immediately - the stink surrounds them. As a fitness buff, I am sure that smoking does you no favors when it comes to enhancing your fitness level or boosting your energy. Good luck on quitting for good, and welcome to the world of non-smokers. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
I never smoked, but I wanted to understand the psychology of smoking, as I heard it was more addictive than heroin.

Definitely more so. Just remember the words of Dave Barry, writing back when smoking was allowed on airplanes. I'm paraphrasing here:

Notice how airplanes don't have little permission lights for heroin users? That's because heroin users can make it though an entire plane flight without shooting up!
Definitely more so. Just remember the words of Dave Barry, writing back when smoking was allowed on airplanes. I'm paraphrasing here:

Notice how airplanes don't have little permission lights for heroin users? That's because heroin users can make it though an entire plane flight without shooting up!

Tell 'Dave Barry' That "No, it's because heroin is illegal :D:p

And btw,I don't think the 2 are comparable in any sense of the word.
My wife still smokes and it's on my clothes. I've gotten used to it, but it would be nice not to smell like a smokehouse when around others.
I only smoked for about 18 months, but I woke up one morning with my mouth tasting like the bottom of a bird cage and thought to myself "Why am I doing this? It's really pretty stupid" and never had another cigarette. I was incredibly fortunate, however, that I never ever had cigarette cravings or withdrawl symptoms. Not sure why, but I didn't. Wish I could bottle and sell whatever it was that prevented that!!

Meanwhile, if you're worried about weight, perhaps you could go for a quick walk instead of a ciggie break whenever the urge hits. It will keep you busy and healthy and fill your lungs and brain with oxygen which will make you feel much better than a cigarette ever could.

Anyway, WELL DONE on making the decision!! Best of luck!!!

A : )
My work day is almost over, my morning was a bit rough, but as soon as I got out of the shower I put the patch on, the first hour was a killer for me, but then all of a sudden I felt OK...The commute into work, 30 minutes, I said my prayers then I sang as loud as I could. I was ok. Then at work I was ok, I am still at work, a little nervous about the ride home, but so far I am doing OK. No urges, just nervous. I feel a little relaxed, is it normal to feel tired? I almost feel like my body is saying thank you. Like I am getting oxydgen already. Make sense? help me???
We're here JoJo and you can do this...!!!

It's really 'one day at a time sweet Jesus'....don't worry about the ride home. Just put in your favorite CD, turn it up and sing, sing, sing and smile because you're going to be just fine. You can do it..!!
My work day is almost over, my morning was a bit rough, but as soon as I got out of the shower I put the patch on, the first hour was a killer for me, but then all of a sudden I felt OK...The commute into work, 30 minutes, I said my prayers then I sang as loud as I could. I was ok. Then at work I was ok, I am still at work, a little nervous about the ride home, but so far I am doing OK. No urges, just nervous. I feel a little relaxed, is it normal to feel tired? I almost feel like my body is saying thank you. Like I am getting oxydgen already. Make sense? help me???

Yes,being in the car can be tough,but you can do it and it will be easier
each time. If you really have a problem and need to hold something,they
sell mildly sweetened cinnamon or licorice sticks that you could use when
at home or driving.I got mine in an herb store,and they are sold specifically
for those who are quitting. And,like ice they don't have any calories.
If you are interested in some herbal remedies.. there are some that are
said to help cravings and anxiety..such as a Lobelia and Ginger mixture,
Plantain, Cayenne and Oat(usually from the seed). If you are interested,
PM me for details.
Meanwhile it sounds like you are doing great--Dina:)
Get yourself a stick of gum for the ride home, talk on the phone, sing to the radio, whatever it takes. The bottom line is you have made a good start, nothing physical since your on the patches so its all in your head. The first few days will be dicey but with every hour that passes you will gain confidence. You CAN do it ! I bet tomorrow is easier for you, once you get through your morning drive and into the office you will see. just keep focusing on the right now, everything else will take care of itself.
I am trying so hard, I am edgy. This morning is hard...mornings are so hard for me, and at night. Work was ok yesterday, so I realize its when I am home thats the hardest.
If only for today...............

It's going to be really difficult for you because your nerves are wound up all the time. I'm not sure how you can overcome that, but just keep telling yourself, If only for today.......
I know right Ross...LOL - I did hear that smoking is bad for stress actually and non smokers handles stress better so we shall see. My hardest thing is the morning time and at night. But American Idol is on tonight so I am looking forward to that. My dad has his cardio follow up, looking forward to that. I am trying so hard. I can tell the patch is doing its job, I really dont want to smoke...but I am having the dizzy stuff and feel strange too. The withdrawls I think. I dont even know, this is the longest in 20 years I havent smoked so its all new to me, kinda exciting and also scary!!!
For anxiety in relation to tobacco detox what can help is Kava-kava and Skullcap... its okay for use during the day. But in any case ,you just have to make it thru a couple days and it gets SO much better from there.Is your DH doing well? Remember that if one of you begins to slip , the other has to take up the slack. Quitting as a couple has its good and bad points. I know you can do it, since it will give you really bad wrinkles before the age of 40(!). This is a good motivator for us females. Vanity works better than threat of life it seems:rolleyes:
Hang are:)
hey all - tonight is a little easier! I drove home in the snow and was OK, I was chomping my gum so hard! I was fake smoking at work today with a coffee stirer. I had people laughing. I had to do it. So, tonight it ok. American Idol is on soon and I am going to have some rice pudding. I hope my hubby is doing as good as me when he is at work! I am feeling ok. Tomorrow is day three!!!
hey all - tonight is a little easier! I drove home in the snow and was OK, I was chomping my gum so hard! I was fake smoking at work today with a coffee stirer. I had people laughing. I had to do it. So, tonight it ok. American Idol is on soon and I am going to have some rice pudding. I hope my hubby is doing as good as me when he is at work! I am feeling ok. Tomorrow is day three!!!

I chewed on a straw when I quit. Nothing wrong w/a coffee stirer. I smoked for 30 some years. I went in to ER w/SVT and the doc told me he was going to shock me in to rythym and I told my husband I would meet him outside after the shock for a cigarette:eek: How dumb could I get??? That did not happen, I had my last cigarette that day. 7/3/07! I stayed in the hospital and had OHS instead of my cigarette. After I was released from the hospital 11 days later, I thought, wait I have not smoked in 11 days, I will see how long I can go................I am still counting. It is hard but YOU CAN DO IT! Cooker is right, you can always loose weight (weight watchers is great) but once your lungs are damaged, you can't fix that. We are pulling for ya! Get out that stirer, who cares???? Best of luck:D
I thought, wait I have not smoked in 11 days, I will see how long I can go................I am still counting.
This is the best day at a time, or one minute at a time.
This helped me more than anything since you don't tell yourself that you
can't EVER smoke again. It's almost like saying this is my choice and I'm
doing what I want to do(quit) and IF I ever want them they will be there.
Some may disagree,but it worked for me. Maybe its just my rebellious nature.
My best:)
Day 3 is almost over! WOW...Its going fast yet slow, LOL...I just ate 2 cookies and a glass of lowfat milk. I am sleeping with the patch tonight so I can be ok tomorrow morning. The mornings are my BAD part! ALL updates to follow!