Something poking through my incision.....

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
Help!!!!!!!! There is something sharp like trying to poke through at about the two inch down mark and I can't keep my fingers away. I'm waiting to see a paper clip any second now. It sends a weird sharp feeling through the area when I touch it. Ouch. I'm worse than a kid. I 'm guessing this isn't something that I can wait and see about. :confused:
On the up side, life is fantastic and I finally was able to pull out my trusty tennis racquet last night and hit some balls back and forth with a teacher friend. I just can't stop smiling! :D :D I've waited so long! :D
Found out today that I don't qualify for cardiac rehab due to lack of coronary disease. I was supposed to start tomorrow. I am thinking if I can play some light tennis perhaps I don't actually need rehab. Pumphead has made me slow at putting 2 and 2 together. (that's what we'll say!)
Enjoying life.......
Sounds like you might have a wire or stitch close to the surface. You should definitely have it checked but I think you are already planning that.
As far as rehab goes, if you really want to go, you should file an appeal and include a request from your cardio. Often these decisions will be overturned on appeal.
I had a couple of stitches poke through. One was about 4 inches long after I pulled it out! Guess the nurse missed that one while removing them, or it was totally out of sight and just took some time to 'break through'. They can be a little 'uncomfortable' for awhile. If it's a wire, something will probably need to be done to resolve that issue (i.e. removal or 'trimming').

'AL Capshaw'

I've had that feeling of a wire poking out a few times, but strangely it just went away without doing anything about it. Not saying that will be your experience necessarily. If it gets to be a regular nuisance, I'd ask the surgeon and his office about it.

I second geebee about appealing the cardiac rehab rejection if you want to take it. I bet you would enjoy it and benefit from it. There was a thread on here about an appeal with a lot of details about how to pursue one.

When the sternum is closed it is usually wired shut. Occasionally one of these sutures can loosen or become unwound and migrate to the surface. This is not a common, but you should have it checked by your surgeon. Best wishes,Deb.