Soccer with mechanical

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
Hi guys!

How about playing soccer on the playground next to my house with some friends in the weekends? It is a contact sport, but I believe, when it is just for the fun it is not so dangerous...

I used to play in the local team for a while, before I knew about any heart problems. Now, I am only a great fan, but still very good with the ball.

I also play tennis, but I'm not that interested as I'm on the soccer.

Anyone playing amateur "carbon" soccer? :D
I would be hesitant because the head is used to hit the ball. Is some type of helmet ever used for soccer?
not at all

not at all

I can't even imagine how would I score a goal with my head if I wear a helmet! Not a real sense :) I've been playing soccer since 1994. Then the World Cup was in USA and Bulgaria took the bronze with a 4-th place. :D

So 13 years later, playing soccer all the time, I have never felt any head issues after "kicking" with the head. The only sense is like loosing genious mind :p

You may not have had any head issues yet, but remember that after having your valve replacement with a mechanical valve this summer, you will be on Coumadin!!! Using your head could leave you losing more than your genious mind!!:eek: :p
By the way, Ivo, I see that you are online as I write this. It is 9:30 p.m. in Montreal. What the ..... time is it in Bulgaria??!!!