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Does anyone have any SAFE sleep remedies that won't mess with Coumadin?

Ever since surgery, I am only able to get 2 to 3 hrs. of sleep at a time and I wake up (head and chest throbbing). Sometimes I can go back to sleep in a few minutes, sometimes I can't. Last night was one when I couldn't. My LazyBoy chair takes the lead part in my muscial bed ensemble.

I'm not tired or strung-out during the day at work, but I don't look forward to my repeated sleepless nights. I try to stay up as long as possible, but generally pass-out between 8:00 and 9:00. I have drastically cut coffee intake, try to eat right, exercise and take my meds on schedule.

Any personal experiences or suggestions here?

My doc says I have a bounding pulse as a result of the prosthetic valves. I rarely hear the clicks anymore, but I do have a "squishy" pulsing sound in my head, notice mainly at night.

I think I will make a massage appointment. That seemed to help a few months ago, so I think I'll get a tune-up.


:eek: Is this the yawn smilie?
Looks like a yawn smile to me. Do you read? Over the years I have found that a book is a wonderful sleeping pill. I read every time I lie down, whether it be for a rest, nap or bedtime. When I suddenly realize I don't know what was in the last paragraph, I know it is time to put down the book, turn out the light and sleep. If you worry about sleeplessness when you wake up, it makes the situation worse. Try some warm milk; they say it starts that 'something' in the brain to help you sleep. Pumpheadedness made me forget the name of that 'something'!! HaHa. :D God bless


Perry, Find the thread in preop on Guided Imagery.
I think it might help you. Also a nice benign sleeping pill that doesn't mess with Coumadin so far as I know is Benadryl 50 mgm. You can get it over the counter without a prescription. Take it an hour before you go to bed.
Insomnia for Sure!

Insomnia for Sure!

Thank you both for the information. I'll look into the Guided Imagery tapes and try some Benadryl too.:cool:



I don't know about the interaction with Coumadin for sure, but I do know my mother in law who is on coumadin for her artificial hip can take Tylenol PM. You might check with your doctor.
My brother was given Ambience - a new sleep Rx and it's sposed to be pretty mild and safe. You could check it out and use it as needed, if you Just ask your dr to presc something for you. My brother is also on coumadin.
I rarely get a good night's sleep. I attribute this to the medication I am taking. I also often feel the throbbing pulse when I lay on my side. It disappears when I am on my back or place a pillow under my neck. I believe that laying with an ear on the pillow is a major contributor to feeling the throbbing.
Hi Herb!

I have had trouble sleeping due to the clicking of my valve and use Tylenol PM and it does the trick eventually. I have an Rx of Ambien that doctor gave me but it is addictive and dr does not recommend it for that reason. Anyway, you should try it if over the counter drugs do not help.

When I toss and turn and can't fall asleep, I leave the bed so that my wife can sleep. I read or watch tv and I fall asleep on the couch. I have had one kidney removed, and that bothers me as well as the SJV..Very difficult to ease myself into a good nite sleep. I usually..pray for sleep.
Sleepy or Dopey?

Sleepy or Dopey?

Thank you all for your helpful replies and ideas for sleep problems.

Michael, I haven't prayed for sleep quite yet but it's a darn good option!

Herb, I keep forgetting that my medications are a factor. (20mg Altace, 25mg Digoxin, 12.5mg ToprolXL). I just re-read the "difficulty sleeping" side-effects of Toprol. I sure hate the dry throat from all this stuff!

Hensylee, I haven't found the Ambience yet and I know reading will help.

MATXR, I found the thread on Guided Imagery and I'm looking into it.

I am being very cautious of over-the-counters.

Not surprisingly, my wife nailed my problem pretty well as she so easily seems to do. She knew I had strayed from my exercise routine for the last few weeks (at the health club) and was replacing my workouts with work on the "honey-do list "(like yard and garage work, painting bedrooms, etc.). Hey, it's summertime and the weather has been great, plus I still walk/jog over 2 miles every morning. We agreed on my re-establishing a 3 nights per week health club routine. Lo and behold, the first evening after a workout made my sleeplessness a little more tolerable. It's a heckuva lot harder work (I'd rather be painting!), but I'm convinced it is helpful!

Unisom is my friend

Unisom is my friend

I take extra strength Unisom every night to fall asleep. It is a wonderful thing and in my research I haven't been able to find any adverse effects to speak of.
I believe that Hensylee is also talking about Ambien. I take it with no adverse effects and it really has a low incidence of dependence. (I don't think anyway) I take it because with my many diseases I find it hard to sleep any time, anywhere. lol

Ask your doctor... he is in the best position to help you with your sleep problems and is also aware of any other meds you are taking.

Take care,

I find going to bed at a regular time and turning
on the tv helps. Escpecially watching sitcoms old or new.
I don't have the tv real loud just enoughto hear it.
It was just enough to drowned the ticking of my valve.
The ticking of my valve doesn't bother me anymore.
You might want to try using a body pillow.

Hope something helps you.



Wow, I read all the responses to your sleep problem, and found every remedy I had tried! My Doc says Ambien is great, and that is not addictive. (?) Anyway, I turn the TV on, low, with the sleep timer set every night. It is wonderful. Drowns out the sound of these valves, and puts me to sleep. Weeknights, thats Golden Girls on cable! I have also tried the Benadryl (works for me). I think my BP is so low, that I fall asleep if I just sit down long enough. Once I "tune into" those valves though, its hard to ignore it!
The first few months after surgery I also had a tough time sleeping at night, because I would take little naps during the day so was not as sleepy during the night. Also the discomfort of the keloid scar, getting in and out of bed and bending over was horrible. That bothered me a long time. After one year post-op I can say it is almost gone. Very little left, thank God! Now I am busy again and feel tired when 10PM comes around and boy can I sleep.
As for the ticking of the valve. I was lucky enough (*S*) to have had a second valve surgery within eleven days of the first, and the doc implanted a different brand (St. Jude's) valve and I feel grateful, because I hardly am aware of it. My husbands heart beat is louder I think. He feels the same way, and NEVER hears my ticking.
But I know what a loud one can be like! My first valve was a "Sultzer Carbomedics", and I thought it was terrible! Would have been difficult to live with that. But if they implant it in you, what can you do?
Here is a link where you can hear all the sounds of the different valves.

Aortic Stenosis
AVR 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St. Jude's mechanical
Coumadin, 19mg a day.
Last edited:


Thanks a million!! I nearly fell over when I went to that website and listened!! I have a Bjork Shiley AND a St Jude, imagine all that clatter!! I cant wait to email it to friends that I miss! They will feel like Im visiting!
Sleep help

Sleep help

I don't know about mixing with coumadin, but, I have been taking a magnesium and calcium supplement at dinner time for a while and can get to sleep pretty well.

The ingredient in Tylenol PM is a Benadryl...that's what makes you sleepy. I would think it would not mess with coumadin.
Take two and you'll be knocked out.

What about those fab pain pills from the docs after surgery. My Tylenol 4's put me right to sleep.




How much Magnesium are you getting daily? I don't think I'm getting enough and from all the things I read about magnesium, it's good for the heart. I only take 250mg a day. I was thinking of doubling it with one of the 250's taken at evening meal (or a combination of 250mg magnesium and calcium-does it come that way?).

I spoke with the head of my local hospital's sleep disorder clinic and she said I should be ok with my on and off sleep pattern as long as I'm not experiencing fatigue during the day, it sounded to her that I was getting enough rest.



p.s. so far, my return exercise routine has been helpful.
The doseage of magnesium often recommended to improve heart function is 250 mg twice a day. Magnesium-calcium tablets are available. The recommendation I have seen for calcium is 1000-2000 mg a day. I do not know whether they help sleep problems, but they are supposed to help the heart.
Perry and Herb

Perry and Herb

I take about 500 mg of magnesium and about 800 mg of calcium. I take it a dinner time. Except for the terrible time after the surgery, pain and soreness, I usually don't have a problem falling asleep, and/or sleeping all night. I often fall asleep with the t.v. on or a book across my chest. Ha!

Give it a try. I would steer clear of herbal remedies like Valerian, they can really mess you up.
