Sleeping Meds??

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
A Southern Girl!
My doctor gave me some restoril to sleep, does anyone take these? I have been taking .5mg of xanax to sleep but I wanted to get off of xanax. Does anyone else take anything to get sleep. After AVR I just worry a lot about taking anything new. Thanks
I used to take half a .5 xanax, but after Ross posted about an over the counter sleep aid, I went to WalMart, found what he mentioned, but right next to that one was the same thing in WalMart's brand - equate sleep aid. bought the WalMart brand and have been using it for some time and I go right to sleep and sleep all night. equate sleep aid - costs about $8. works like a charm. think it has dramamine in it.
Ambien, usually half a tablet, for stubborn insomnia, Benedryl otherwise. I've always been a light sleeper, but finally started sleeping fairly normally (for me) nearly a year after surgery.
I take the lowest dose of temazepam, the generic for restoril, 15 mg. It is supposed to be for short-term use, but I have continued to use it, for more than four years now, and all my doctors have been okay with that. No doubt it's not the best alternative for everyone, but it works for me. Google it and read up on it and see if it's something you want to try.
I never had a problem with sleeping until I had MVR.. Now I have to take Restoril to sleep, 30mg. I vary that between Xanax, .5mg, and some nights I just try the benadryl.

For me, I see less side effects with the Xanax, than the Restoril.. I wish I wasn't "hooked, but if I dont take something, I just dont get to sleep, or I'm up every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.
Occasionally .....................

Occasionally .....................

when I can't sleep I'll take Gravol or an antihistamine with drowsiness as a side-effect.

I took gravol prior to a whale-watching trip the Stellweggin Banks and had the worst time staying awake. Some passengers didn't take Gravol became sea sick, turned green and said death was preferable. It's been Gravol for me ever since.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT ?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT ?

I personally have always been toubled with insomnia. I have tried all drugs including ambien. The bottom line is you cannot use any of these drugs continuously or you are in trouble. Recently, I have been helped by a CBT program on a CD by Dr. Greg Jacobs a Harvard professor who has treated over 10,000 insomnia patients over 20 years. The program has helped me to some good sleep and for the first time in years I have been drug free for over a month.
Well I stayed up till 3am slept good till 6, when husband got up to go to work laid there till 8 slept to 10! Not a good thing for me, I feel like a mack truck has hit me today! I think she told me to take the restoril with 1/2 my dose of xanax! Does anyone do that? I am going back to my xanax, I have anxiety at night, it is like I start thinking about everything! Thanks for the info, I think the key word here for me is no hypnotic drugs for me ambien and me never got along!
Valium,Restoril, etc. Be careful, especially elderly

Valium,Restoril, etc. Be careful, especially elderly


Adverse effects of benzodiazepines are increased in the elderly. Adverse effects on cognition can be mistaken for the effects of old age.[82]The benefits of benzodiazepines are least and the risks are the greatest in the elderly.[83] The elderly are at an increased risk of dependence and are more sensitive to the adverse effects such as memory problems, daytime sedation, impaired motor coordination and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents and falls.[84] The long-term effects of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine dependence in the elderly can resemble dementia, depression or anxiety syndromes and progressively worsens over time. Adverse effects on cognition can be mistaken for the effects of old age. The success of gradual-tapering benzodiazepines is as great in the elderly as in younger people. Benzodiazepines should be prescribed to the elderly only with caution and only for a short period at low doses. The short-acting drugs, such as oxazepam, alprazolam and triazolam, have been recommended in such cases.[82]

Long-term use of benzodiazepines has been associated with increased risk of cognitive impairment, but its relationship with dementia remains inconclusive.[85] The association of a past history of benzodiazepine use and cognitive decline is unclear, with some studies reporting a lower risk of cognitive decline in former users, some finding no association and some indicating an increased risk of cognitive decline.[86]

Benzodiazepines are sometimes prescribed to treat behavioral symptoms of dementia. However, similarly to antidepressants they have little evidence of effectiveness, although antipsychotics have shown some benefit.[87][88] Cognitive impairing effects of benzodiazepines which occur frequently in the elderly can also worsen dementia.[89
Well I stayed up till 3am slept good till 6, when husband got up to go to work laid there till 8 slept to 10! Not a good thing for me, I feel like a mack truck has hit me today! I think she told me to take the restoril with 1/2 my dose of xanax! Does anyone do that? I am going back to my xanax, I have anxiety at night, it is like I start thinking about everything! Thanks for the info, I think the key word here for me is no hypnotic drugs for me ambien and me never got along!

Be very careful with the benzodiazepines. They screw up your brain chemistry. There are some severe withdrawal problems in people who have taken them too long at a high dose. Xanax and Restoril are both powerful benzodiazepines. Ambien is not a benzodiazepine but it too modifies your brain chemistry with possible severe side effects. All of these problems are worse in the elderly.
I take Ambien, have for years. If I don't take it I can always get to sleep but I'll wake up off and on all night. I'm a night owl. That's why I like working the hours I do at the hospital. I just got off work and I'm wide awake. I will sleep usually till 8:00 in the morning's. I've tried other kind of sleep aids but Ambien is the best for me.
Be very careful with the benzodiazepines. They screw up your brain chemistry. There are some severe withdrawal problems in people who have taken them too long at a high dose.
Yes! The withrawal period for those dependent for over 6 months should be
extended,at a decrease of less than .5 every 3 days- and this may be too
rapid for most. It's also difficult to maintain a steady schedule since during
this time you will not be sleeping regularly for a while. After a week or so
it does get easier to sleep but you must remind yourself that these symptoms
are only temporary and you will feel so much better afterwards.
I don't take a high dose of xanax, my brain has pump head now and it and I will never be the same! But I am just fine with my new life and proud of it and very Thankful!!! Ambien made me have very strange dreams. I don't care for Restoril either, but that info on the elderly taking them is interesting because both my parents take them at 84 and 90! That is something I will be talking to them about for sure!

Be very careful with the benzodiazepines. They screw up your brain chemistry. There are some severe withdrawal problems in people who have taken them too long at a high dose. Xanax and Restoril are both powerful benzodiazepines. Ambien is not a benzodiazepine but it too modifies your brain chemistry with possible severe side effects. All of these problems are worse in the elderly.
I agree on the dreams

I agree on the dreams

Ambien made me have very strange dreams. I don't care for Restoril either, but that info on the elderly taking them is interesting because both my parents take them at 84 and 90! That is something I will be talking to them about for sure!

I so agree on the weird dreams when using ambien. That happened to me more so when I was getting off them, after just 10 nights use while adjusting to jet lag in Europe. Very bizzare. There are documented cases of people sleeping walking while using ambien as well. I am having some anxiety after finding out my surgery is now on my radar and my PCP prescribed Clonazepam to help me sleep. That may be the generic name for one of the other drugs I have heard mentioned here. Anyway, it definitely helps me sleep, but I feel sluggish the next day on top of being tired because of the AS. I am going to try 1/2 a dose (1 mg) and see if that is better. I really crave a good night's sleep. Especially now because I feel bone tired by the end of every day, but then can't turn my mind off. In fact - I'm going to try and turn my mind off and get some shut eye now. Night night.;)
Same here ... everyone is diff ... Valium is a sure thing for me when I can't sleep:cool:

Don't know about you, but I take 5mg when I'm having trouble and it seems to reset my sleep clock for a couple of days, then I have to repeat. It's weird.