Skipped heart beat; PVC

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
I am 9 months post-op and have recently started having skipped heartbeats. Caffeine, alcohol and strenuous exercise seems to bring them on. I am currently about 2 weeks into wearing an event monitor. I saw the cardiologist and he didn't seem to think it was anything to be worried about and gave me the monitor. I have since called the cardio regarding about 5 recordings of the skipped beat, and the nurse says if they were anything dangerous, he would call me which he hasn't. I will have another appointment in about 3 weeks which will determine exactly what's going on. I have no other symptoms at all and from what I have read, I really think they are PVC's.

Two questions: I have read a lot about PVC's and they say they are not dangerous for people with normal hearts, but possibly for people with heart disease. If I have had my aneurysm repaired and replaced bicuspid aortic valve, I know my heart is not "normal", but are we considered to still have "heart disease?"

Secondly, since the skipped beats seem to be brought on by strenuous exercise, I have laid off the hard swimming and machines for now. I still walk vigorously and don't have a problem. I have read with regular exercise, they can go away or lessen. Does anyone have experience with pushing through the PVC's (once they ere diagnosed and you had cardio approval) to more regular exercise and did it help?

Thanks for any insights! Betsy

I just typed out a long reply, clicked on the BACK button, and BYE-BYE post. GRRR...

Bottom Line:

PAC's / PVC's are the "Common Cold of Cardiology" and are generally considered to be benign. You can tell by the YAWN on your Cardio's face.

BETA BLOCKERS usually do a good job of controlling them, sometimes even at Low Doses, below what is often considered to be the "minimum theraputic dose".

Oh yes, CAFFEINE (coffee, tea, cokes, and Chocolate), Nicoteine, and STRESS are BIG TRIGGERS along with some others I have forgotten.

I had to QUIT eating Chocolate at one time. Even ONE small bite would trigger PAC's or PVC's (they sound the same - only and EKG can tell the difference).
Yes, PVCs and PACs are very common and usually quite harmless, but they do scare us.
It is usually not a skipped beat, but more commonly 2 beats that are closer together . It only seems like the next beat is skipped.
I am also in that awful circle where more exercise triggers them as well as too little exercise.
I take a BB (50 mg Metoprolol per day) and I have just started Magnesium tablets at the lowest strength of 50mg per day. Many people take up to 400mg.
That is a very good question about the pvc's not being dangerous in a structurally normal heart. I wondered that myself. Now that my valve has been repaired, does that mean that the palpitations are of less consequence?
I have experienced sensations of "skipped beats" or short periods of "irregular beats" for years....probably from the beginning. It used to scare hell out of me. Now I just regard these events as something that happens from time to time.

Incidently, what does PAC and PVC stand for? I always thought PVC was plastic pipe.:confused::p
My Cardiologist has always told me that PVC's and skipped beats are not a problem, they are only a symptom. I had a lot of them for about the first year after my surgery, as it took at least that long for my heart to reshape after the enlargement. He told me to go ahead and carry on with whatever I wanted to do and they would go away with time. They did.

There has been a debate in the past here about whether or not we have heart disease after surgery. I am in the camp that believes we still fit into that classification. If I didn't my insurance company would probably let me buy more life insurance.
I get a beat that goes bump in the night from time to time.....nothing really seems to trigger it....I had ablation for a-fib but before that alcohol would put me in a-fib pretty quickly....I quit drinking and no more a-fib but I still get a skipped beat now and then......I think it's the girls;)