Short of Breath

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
This shortness of breath is new to me.Before my AVR I had no symptoms.Now I'm almost two weeks post-op and I can't walk up and down the driveway(600ft) without feeling short of breath.Anyone have any Idea how long this last before your breathing well again!!!!!!! Other than that and lack of sleep no complaints.Have no Physical pain at all.
IS this new SOB or worse than when you were in the hospital? IF so I would call your doctor (who ever they told you to call for problems) because it can be a sympton of fluid.
IS this new SOB or worse than when you were in the hospital? IF so I would call your doctor (who ever they told you to call for problems) because it can be a symptom of fluid.
It seems to hit after walking.I have my spirometer up to 2200 out of a possibly 2500
I didn't have a problem with shortness of breath after the first few days until I had fluid. I agree that it could be normal, or it could be a symptom of fluid.
I agree with the others--get checked for fluid. If that's what it is, the sooner discovered, the better. And let us know what you find out!
I see my surgeon thursday.I plan on asking him about it but how do they check for fluid.I had my fill of hospital for the near future.
Even if it is fluid, it doesn't mean that you will necessarily be hospitalized. Many fluid problems can be taken care of with medication unless there is something else going on. Doctor can take a BNP test to check for congestive heart failure, CHF (fluid problems). They can also listen to your chest and palpate your abdomen.

It should be checked out asap.
The only way they were able to tell when Justin had pericardial fluid (around his heart) was with an echo. WHEN it is caught early you usually do not need readmitted they can usually get it under control with steroids or motrin ect, , BUT if you wait a couple days and let it get worse THEN your chances are higher of being readmitted. So IF there is a chance something is wrong I would not wait for your appt.
Fluid sounds likely. I wouldn't wait.

Also, while you're there, ask about your inspirational spirometer. You're not supposed to use them for very long, as they start to harbor germs after a while, and can eventually cause more problems than they help. If you still need it, perhaps you can get a new one. I don't imagine that's the problem at all, but no point in not doing the safest thing.

Best wishes,
Fluid around the Heart is usually detected with an Echo.
Fluid in the Lungs is usually detected either by stethoscope and/or X-Ray.

In either case, it would be wise to Call the On-Call Doc ASAP (like tonight) to see what he recommends.

Either way, it's a whole lot easier to treat if you "Nip it in the Bud"!

'AL Capshaw'
Lyn, I believe that the correct term is PITA! :p My sister's FIL has a cap that says PITA, and boy is it accurate for him!

I agree, book, don't wait, especially if this is something that has gotten worse since surgery. I woke up on a Saturday about 8 weeks after surgery and noticed that I was a little short of breath. By Sunday I had an elephant standing on my chest. I went to the doctor Monday morning and they confirmed it was fluid and put me on the Medrol Dose Pack. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and I still ended up in the ER later in the week.
I remember being worried about the SOB after surgery, too. My cardio explained that my body was still recovering and that some SOB is to be expected as everything heals up. However, if it is worse than pre-surgery, it migt be something to look into.

Debi (debster913)
Lyn, I believe that the correct term is PITA! :p My sister's FIL has a cap that says PITA, and boy is it accurate for him!

I agree, book, don't wait, especially if this is something that has gotten worse since surgery. I woke up on a Saturday about 8 weeks after surgery and noticed that I was a little short of breath. By Sunday I had an elephant standing on my chest. I went to the doctor Monday morning and they confirmed it was fluid and put me on the Medrol Dose Pack. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and I still ended up in the ER later in the week.

MY Bad, you are correct. I wonder why noone in my family didn't get me a PITA Tshirt for my B-DAY.

Whenever I heard how bad fluid feels, I think of when Justin was a little 18 month toddler. He was doing really well a couple weeks after surgery, but all of a sudden wouldn't bend over and pick things up off the floor, if he dropped something he would just yell Ma and point. He wasn't crying or anything, but it just seemed weird he would not bend down. when he had been a day earlier with no problem. SO i called and asked to be seen. It turned out he had 12 ounces of fluid around his heart, which considerring at the time was only the size of a big walnut, was pretty amazing. They drained it and he was running and jumping again. I felt so bad, it went on for MONTHS (because 20 years ago they weren't as good about being able to get it under control) but i got very good at recognizing his different signs we needed to go back to CHOP, but I'll never forget that first echo seeing ALL that fluid surrounding his little heart.