Shopping around for low cost MRI--Anyone have experience?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
Charlotte, NC
Happy New Year everyone! My New Years resolution was to find a cheaper MRI facility. I live in Charlotte, NC. Long story short is that I had an echo done at my local hospital right before Thanksgiving and the echo showed that my Ascending aortic aneurysm had grown to 4.8 cm (it measured 4.2 cm in 2012). I was rushed in for an MRI which later revealed that my aneurysm had in fact not grown at all. Still at 4.2 cm. I was greatly relieved by the news that my aneurysm was not any larger, but very angry that the echo sent me into a tailspin of worry and fear. I do not want to have another echo since I feel I can't trust them and pretty much told my Cardio that as well. Just got a bill for the MRI......$6300 ($3000 with insurance). So, I'm now beginning my quest to find a lower cost MRI facility since I will need a scan every year. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can you get hospitals to compete against each other with prices like auto dealerships? Thanks for your help.
I'm sorry the echo was so off, but honestly even IF you find a cheaper MRI, which I doubt, it will be VERY hard to get insurance to cover MRIs every year because 1 echo wasnt accurate. Justin does not have echos, yearly because his chest has been open 7 times and they cant really get a good look at the parts they are most concerned with w/ echos anymore, so he get MRIs every 2 years and echos, to keep an eye on other problems he has that you can watch w/ echos the every other year. BUT they gave all kinds of documentation to get the MRI/MRA covered with out the echo (cheaper) first. Also echos are safer since they dont use the dye. FWIW Justin has alot of issues w/ his heart and pretty much had interventions every couple years, and he still does not get yearly MRI as long as he seems relatively stable, and no new symptons

I probably would try another place to get your echos since they are MUCH cheaper than MRI at least give it a try.
As for the cost, Justin's were/are closer to 10,000, the difference is our insurance covers it all/ well the agreed upon price, and the hospital accepts that payment as full. I would probably call insurance and see if they will pay more or what kind of deals do they have worked out with that hospital. as far as doesnt that hospital agree to accept payment.. You also could try calling billing and see if you can get them to work with you and bring down the cost, or payment plans etc. or if you have some money (i woudnt) how much would they lower the cost if you paid it at 1 time. I know nothing about your finances, but you also could ask about any programs they have to help w/ cost. You might have to ask to speak with the social worker dept for that.
The problem is it is better to do that before test than get them to agree after the fact... Do you know if the center is "in network" or not? That might be the problem, if i wasnt in network, I would find out where you could have an MRI "in Network" next time IF that would be cheaper

the ONLY other suggestion I would have is check with the local larger center/university type hospital and see if there is any studies going on that yearly cardiac MRIs/ are a part of altho if you havent needed any surgery yet, I dont know off my head any. You would probably call Cardiology or research Im not sure, they always came to Justin or us w/ anything like trials he qualified to take part in.

The last suggestion, is especially IF you want MRIs every year, I dont know when you choose your new insurance policies, but I would look into the plans that might cost a little more monthly if they cover all or a larger percentage of test.