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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
I know this is kind of a weird personal question, but, how does everyone here get rid of unwanted body hair? I was told by my docs not to use a razor anymore. They said to use an electric razor so I wouldn't cut myself. That doesn't really work that well. My legs feel like brillo pads....not to mention the underarms....LOL!!!!:D :D

Take Care!
LOL Henslyee. How's about a good wax job..

Creed, If you cut me, you are not going to bleed out from a razor. Stay away from major arteries and you will be just fine with a razor.

Try the ladies Personal Touch razor. Shave lightly until it's broken in a bit. There are also a few disposable that you would have a pretty hard time cutting yourself as they are designed not to.

I have cut myself, maybe twice in almost 4 years. It was easily stopped by applying light pressure. As always, make sure your cleanse the area you cut. I was always recommended to use an alcohol prep.
I was told the same thing: don't use a straight razor, but only an electric razor. Must be their standard advice.
So I stopped shaving for a while, and told everyone it was doctor's orders. When that wore out, I went back to shaving with the same kind of razor I'd used before; haven't had any problems.
I shave with a razor with no problem. No one told me not to. Then again, I was in a children's hospital, so maybe they just don't think about it ;) . Truthfully, I don't see what the problem would be. Just make sure that if you do cut yourself that you take care of it right away. A little bitty cut like what you would make from a razor is not going to kill you.


Three days after surgery,I was informed by more than a few people that I was starting to resemble a hermit.Considering the fact I hadn't shaved for three days post-op,I had to agree,soooowith all good intentions at about three one morning,I stumbled out of bed and shaved with a straight razor with no complications granted I didn't get tooo the point if being smoooth as a babys A---,but at least I didn't have that derelict appearance.In other words SHAVE,and no I didn't have to shave my legs:D

When I woke up in the hospital after my 9-day induced slumber, I woke up to a nurse shaving my face with a blade.

3 days later I got busted for trying to shave with my electric while my pacing wires were still exposed. Reverted to a blade right in front of my nurses, and no protests were forthcoming. I've since shaved with a blade only a couple of times, but over my lifetime I've never cut myself so badly that it would worry me, even on coumadin.

I gotta ask.

Do you really mean "straight razor". To me that has always meant the straight blade that folds into a handle like a knife, is sharpened and stropped on a leather belt or strop as my dad did. And barbers still use to finish off the ears and back of the neck if you use a barber, that is. Now that is one dangerous implement to use. I always used to fear the barber (when I still needed one)might have a heart attack or stroke while he was working on me and I would go out as he did. I shared that fear with my barber of long standing and he was offended that I thought him so unprofessional that he could ever injure a customer. Now, with my heart and kidney stones they won't let me fly airplanes anymore. Wonder if the barber would want to ride along if I promised never to be incapacitated by some physical event???

The more conventional "safety" razor like gillette got famous for is harder to cut your self with (unless you have lots of warts and skin tags to nick and they bleed like crazy). I use an electic now and don't miss the soap, hot water and foam and old blades ouch.



Sorry Bill,I meant a safety razor,they took the other one away from me for safety reasons(whose?):rolleyes:

straight razor

straight razor

Since I also mentioned a straight razor, and since there is more than one Jim, I'll also confess that I've never used a straight razor.
I did have a barber some years ago, a barber I thoroughly enjoyed, who would use a straight razor. I estimated him to be about seventy, but he had very little shaking in his arm as he began to trim behind my ears. He also had the habit of chain-smoking Camels during the haircut -- I knew when he started the third one that the haircut was almost done.
Occasionally there was a substitue barber who was perhaps eighty years old; he however did have a significant amount of shaking in his arm. But I was comforted as I watched him get his shaking under control before he began shaving behind my ears. He usually only smoked one Camel per haircut.
I recall my dad using a straight razor and he sharpened it on the razor strap that hung by the back door where he had a basin and shaved. We were always threatened that if we didn't behave we'd get the razor strap (strop). The strap was made of rough heavy leather. Can recall Daddy running that razor back and forth to sharpen it and it could really CUT. Don' t even know if you can buy those dangerous things anymore. Cept maybe antique shop.
The razors are still available. Barbers still use them and certain youths and gang types are known to carry them as weapons.

My dad used to love to tell the story of traveling by train and shaving with a straight razor while the train was going full speed. He was 6'2" and I can just see him with his legs spread apart and feet firmly planted rocking and swaying with the train and looking in the mirror to guide the razor. He said one of the porters came in and about fainted. Said something like "Lawd mister ya gonna cut yo haid clean off" and left quickly to avoid the sight.

Now when I wanted to learn to use the straight razor he had converted to electic. He told me to talk to his good friend and our barber about lessons. The barber said he would teach me but felt I should use the newer safety razors. He then told of a young fellow who was so proud he had learned to use the straight razor that he proceeded to demonstrate in the barber shop. Now, it is a kind of flick of the wrist they use to scrape the skin and cut the whiskers close in narrow spaces like the lip below the nose. This guy flicked and cut straight through to his uppe teeth, then as shock began to set in he tried to stop the bleeding with a "styptic pencil" a chemical stick that stops bleeding quickly on razor "nicks". It did nothing for this opening. Being in a small farming community with no hospital the doctor was not available so they got the vet to sew up the klutzie lad and that story ended my desire to shave in the ways of our forefathers. I am both klutzie and squeemish sooooo.

Electic is my prefered method, now.
