scared newbie!

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hi! i found out i had MVP in '06-after an echo-cuz i had tachycardia. was told it was no biggie. had an echo in the past couple of months and was told i had pulmonary hypertension! so-a cadiac cath determined that my asthma is not the cause of my PH. had another echo-found out my MVP is alot worse and now i also have tricuspid regurg !:eek: so-i am facing surgery on both valves....having a TEE on friday and from there-probably to a surgeon...i am freaking terrified!!!!!!!!! i am glad i found this site-alot of useful info and support......trish
I had my mitral valve repaired 8 weeks ago. I was also scared to death but I will be honest the surgery wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I have had very little pain. I am back to work and working out at cardiac rehab. Good luck and if you are feeling overly anxious don't be afraid to aske your doctor for something to help with the anxiety. best wishes jim
Welcome Trish ~ I can't be of much help since i am still awaiting AVR surgery myself, but i just wanted to welcome you to the site. It's normal to be scared...i know i am! Best wishes and lots of prayers. Good luck with your TEE...mine was a piece of cake....they sprayed my throat to numb it and then gave me what they called "happy juice" and i don't remember one thing until i was back up in the room i started out in. Definitely not worth all the stress i had worrying about the test. Please keep us informed how things are going for you.
Hi Trish and welcome. You will find loads of help and support here and lots of sympathetic virtual ears for when you're scared and worried. It is all very scary but just make sure you ask all you want to know - either here or from your doctors.

Keep us posted on how it goes :D

Hi again Trish ~ Just wanted to say also that i think your kitten by your nameis ADORABLE!! If i wasn't so stupid i'd put a picture by my name too.
Welcome to the VR community, Trish. Sorry for the circumstances but glad you found us. You've come to the right place for information, support, and encouragement. Being "freaking terrifed" is only natural. However, for what it's worth now that I've been through it, OHS is not as bad as I feared. The worst was the wwait for surgery and then the recovery as you body wants to take it's time while your mind is ready to get back to normal. The surgery itself came and went before I knew it. Best wishes and good luck.
Welcome, Trish. I know you are scared, but I hope the information and support you find here will help. Please let us know when you have a surgery date so we can put you on the calendar and help you climb the mountain.
thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! i have DEFINITELY found the right place! trish
Hi Trish. Happy you found us but sorry for your reason for being here.

I am 9 weeks into recovery from Mitral Valve Replacement (tissue) and thankfully all has gone very smoothly for me. I was as nervous as you and most everyone else going into this journey.

Please ask all your questions and there is almost always someone here who can answer. Only those of us who have been where you are at can fully understand........and we do understand.

Good luck.
Welcome Trish!

No doubt you have found the place to be. Sorry about your news.I am 3 months post MV repair and things have gone real well. The wait is the worst part. Concentrate on pleasant thoughts like being fixed and recovering. The docs will make certain you have little pain and since you will be asleep for the surgery and a lot of the period shortly afterward time will fly.Your loved ones will have it the hardest but when they see your smiling face after surgery it will all be worth it.Keep posting questions and if you need to freak out go ahead.We have all been through it. We understand.

Remember ..pleasant thoughts..such as being fixed and on the beach.:)
Welcome Trish -

NANCY is certainly one of our most knowledgable (if not most knowledgable) members when it comes to Pulmonary Hypertension. I know that she often recommends finding a PH specialist to properly diagnose and treat PH.

You can find several posts on the subject by clicking on SEARCH at the top of the page (blue line) and looking for keywords "pulmonary hypertension".

If you do an advanved search, also include member name "Nancy" in your search and be sure to scroll down to the bottom and select "any date" or some such indicator.

Remember, "Knowledge is Power".

'AL Capshaw'
Welcome to the site, your gonna find alot of support and useful info here. Being scared pre-surgery is what everyone goes through. I know I freaked out a few times before mine. The wait is by far the worst of it. Once your through your procedure your going to feel SOOOOO much better !

Use this site to your advantage and read as many threads as you can, you will be amazed at how much information you will find. And the best part is its from real folks who experienced what your going through first hand. I know I found that to be amazingly comforting.

Best of luck to you :)
I know you're terrifed I've been there but you've come to right place. Very knowledgable people here.

I'm 67 years old and three months post op with AVR.

you will do very well
Welcome to VR. When I first found out about my Aortice Stenosis back in March, I was terrified when they said I needed OHS. Then I found this forum that literally walked me through the process of finding a surgeon, picking a valve, learning about Coumadin, etc.

I still had my days when it became very overwhelming, but at least I knew I was getting good information.

My operation is set of Monay, May 12th and I now feel I did all the right things to prepare.

Good luck on your journey and keep us updated.
