Scar protection

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
I've heard/read that we should protect our scars from sun for the first year. I'm extremely light complected and burn easily, so I always wear heavy duty sun screen (SPF 50). Is that enough protection or do you actually have to wear clothing over it?
Man, I'm all about SPF 70+, the stuff you put on babies. Heck, for past several years, I have been wearing long-sleeve t-shirt during the summer or when we go to Honolulu. I suppose non-rubber-like skin when I get older appeals more to me than the opposite.
We really need a dermatologist here. I think SPF50 should do it. maybe run a little extra right down the scar every couple of hours if you are out in sun. However, my wife says I'm keeping my T shirt on this summer. It's gonna be a long summer. As a guy I'm not that concerned about the scar. But I can see where most women might be.

hi, well i must admit i love the sun on my back, i know all the health and safety guys say dont sit in it for over 5 min etc but hey theres nothing better than soft sand, warm sea, and warm sun,never the less you should use factor 50 and i know for the first year i did, and i always use a high factor anyways when in the sun, now wheres my sunglasses,