Runnnnnr's birthday

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Runnnrs birthday and runners

Runnnrs birthday and runners

Sorry I don't have news of Runner rrr but reading posts I get the idea that some valve recipients have been able to resume running as part of their exercise program at sometime post -surgery.
I have been trying to get back into some running and hope to celebrate my one year anniversary by taking part in an 8km fun run on February 5. The run begins at 7:00pm in the evening (it is summer down here) which I figure is about the time I began to re-enter the world in the ICU, 12 months ago to the day.

It has been a bit of a struggle to get into shape for this, with a few set backs along the way but I feel reasonably confident that I can go the distance. Speed and times are irrelevant. I just want to get to the finish and get the T-shirt - and maybe down a beer! (just one, maybe two?)

I would be interested to hear from or about any other valve people who have been running and any advice they might have or experiences to share. I take things pretty easy and try to cruise along as best I can at "conversation pace". So far my docs have not told me to stop so I assume it is OK to do this and that St Judes and other valves are engineered for this kind of stuff..

Exercise I believe is one of the things that might impact on INR but my reading has been reasonably stable and in range over the past few months. Any gross INR variation I think has been caused by things other than the exercise program so far as I can tell at least. I suppose so long as you are regular and consistent
it should be OK?
Whoa There

Whoa There

I just caught upwith Mark Wagners Web site from the Heart Talk Forum.
Seems there a a few valve runners out there and I have a long way to go to reach Marathon status.That is some achievement. Seems like these valve thingys work OK!
Congratulations, Greg - I hope you will keep us posted on your run. It is quite an accomplishment when one of us can get into something we love so much. We have a UK member who runs, too. Is it our buddy, Jonathan - my pumphead, you know, makes me forget names.:)
Greg - I think Sylvia and Joey are both runners, and Joey has had a replacement already. I continue to watch all the "repaired runners" as running has been my one and only sport for 22+ years, and while looking ahead at valve replacement sometime, I feel a bit better seeing that lots of friends continue to run.

As I've said before, I plan to keep running until they close the lid on me. . .

Keep us posted on your success, as I know you can do it.

I started walking several miles a day at about 6 to 8 weeks and gradually sped up to my jog which is probably only as quick as my walk. I log between 15 and 30 miles a week so you can see I am just a health walker/jogger. My doctors have been totally supportive and encouraged me to get back to the weight training also.
hi greg!
steve is right, joey and i (but he's the patient) are both runners. joey bikes as well.
it's been great to see him get back into running post-surgery. little by little i see him bypassing me in distance and he's picking up pace too (i started running shorter and faster vs. long and steady runs).
i love seeing that!
he is now also lifting weights and thoroughly enjoying it (he was never allowed to do that before the surgery).
i truly respect and am in such awe of any of you valvers who are fit and continue to keep yourselves that way. whether it be walking, biking, hiking, dancing, running, or whatever, my hat goes off to you. it's really a great thing for not just our bodies, but for our minds as well.
keep up the good work!!
stay well, sylvia