Ross??? where are you?

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Welcome back Ross. Looking forward to more of your posts.

I am on Facebook, mostly to keep up with friends that I used to spend time with but rarely see as life moves on. I wouldn't know how to become friends with anyone from here because I don't know anyone's full name, and there are lots of Bobs on Facebook! Regardless, this is the place for heart valve stuff. That is simply a social network.

Again, I am delighted to see Ross back! :):)

But in answer to Lisa (and anyone else interested): If you join Facebook, and then do a FB search for, you can become a fan of and post there as well. It was started by Hank. There are about four dozen folks there right now.
Ross.this site would'nt be the same without you. You've been the main man that I've turn too in need of help with my life being turned upside down from OHS and from the lung surgery. I could'nt even bear the thought of you not being here. I'm glad you shared what you did and I'm totally in agreement lets start a new slate and make the VR fourm here to do what its suppose to do by helping others going through the same medical issues that we did. Glad your back my friend. :)
Thanks for the info about Facebook, Superbob! Sure wish I had time to do all these fun online things!! For me, I just check my personal emails, and try to pop on here once a day and maybe do some shopping or some YouTube or some research (geneology or teacher stuff). I would have thought that adding Facebook connections, as Hank must have envisioned, should have made us stronger. I don't know what has happened and frankly I don't really care very much except that it seems to have hurt some very important people .... I am just SUPER GLAD that our fearless moderator has returned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ross. Thank you for your long and clear explanation to us. So many of us were just completely clueless and honestly appreciate having heard all of this from you (I suspect so, anyway.....not PM-ing or talking to anyone about it ;))

Thank you so much for coming back to us Ross!!!!! I value your presence here enormously. You are irreplaceable.


Ross great to have you home and you always make the board so
worth coming to if you werent here it'd be a big loss.
i try to never forget everyones friendships here and we have,what Hank
has made for us here.
To remember this is what we take outta here in our life,so we have ,
I have to make the most of our members and be sure to show them
we/I care @ appreciate how much they really do matter.Life is so
short,which has been proven here by some of our passing members
Ross thanks for sharing,you are very strong and that makes you strong
enough to help others in their needs,thats why we need you here.
It's truly sad this kind of stuff originates not only here but in familys
and everywhere.I feel :( for Ross this has to happen to any of us for that
matter....i repeat lifes too short for this and we are adults here.;)
Sorry to hear about the disention in our support group. I guess I missed something but I am devasated Ross was hurt. He does not deserve disrepect and can hardly believe it could ever occur after his years of dedication to this group, his ready responses to those that are in pain and scared.

He has been a voice of reason, knowledge and the glue that holds us together.

I hope things occur in a different light and pleased he has decided to remain in our group but still shocked things happened that he even considered leaving!

Love you Ross and all you do to represent us in a professional manner and keep us focused on what this goup is all about.

Sorry you were put through this stress in a time of deep grief in your life.


I am SO happy to see you back. I know it was not an easy decision. I would like to echo what others have said and want to thank you from the bottom of my (to be soon fixed) heart. We really appreciate everything you do and know that this is not an easy job.

I can tell you as the weeks lead up to my surgery, I have come to appreciate even more this wonderful forum of caring, informed and compassionate individuals who have walked or are walking this path.

God Bless,
Wow! I go away for a few days and all kinds of stuff happens! I logged in and the first thing I saw was "Where is Ross?" and I thought: AAAAAAAAAKKK! Then I saw Ross' post and felt relieved until I read it, and then I thought, "The what in the what did what???"

Apparently the answer is, I must never take time away, so I don't get heart failure when I come back!
:( :( :( we are missing you Ross! God Bless in this time of loosing a dear and wonderful friend. Just know he is fine and you will see him again! Always keep that faith!
Nice to see you back Ross, and great message too.

Love, Bridgette.

PS: About the Health Care reform thread - I have really enjoyed reading everybody's opinions and points of view and have learned a lot from it. While I don't agree with what some people have said, it doesn't mean that I think any less of them as people.
We're all heart surgery survivors (or support persons of survivors)!This is an awesome website, with an awesome moderator.
Go Ross! You're the best!
I tried Facebook and didn't find it a compelling thing for me, so I got out of it. Started to sign up for Twitter, then remembered why I left Facebook, then decided I didn't want to do Twitter either. I have plenty to do as it is. No need for additional places and in all honesty, I'm not sure I care for their privacy policies. Once you've signed up at Facebook, they forever keep your information.
I am just beginning to know everyone, but I know from being on other forums how hard it is to keep the "bad" people away. The only thing I regret is that I didn't find this site 3-4 years ago when I first found out I had valve issues. I can still remember how horribly scared I was, and I knew next to nothing about what the doctor was telling me. One thing he did tell me was to research everything I could and educate myself. Even with all that research and googling I still didn't find you all. I honestly believe that the worry and agony could have been handled better by me, if only I could have had you all to talk to back then. So, thanks to Ross and anyone else who is responsible for keeping the site up and working so well!


thank you for this post. it is 'heartening' to the members to know they have contributed so much to so many and that the newcomer generally shares their own information to even more newcomers. It's those like you who make it all worthwhile. Blessins.......
I tried Facebook and didn't find it a compelling thing for me, so I got out of it. Started to sign up for Twitter, then remembered why I left Facebook, then decided I didn't want to do Twitter either. I have plenty to do as it is. No need for additional places and in all honesty, I'm not sure I care for their privacy policies. Once you've signed up at Facebook, they forever keep your information.

Rossman: I don't really know much of what has been going on here lately either, as I don't have time to constantly hang out of, FB or anywhere else. Knowing what has happened in the past though, what you posted here was eloquently put!

This is a place for people to come to get answers to their questions, help, and supprt. Having the other threads is fine as long as it doesn't overtake what this forum is all about! Life is way too short to get caught up in pettiness and each others opinions. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that does not mean someone elses opinion is wrong. It's just their own opinion. People should just leave it at that.

Hot headed post really have no place in a forum that is here to help and support others. It will turn some new people away who may really need help! I didn;t find this place until just after I had my surgery, but I have found of wealth of information and support on here since then. My sisiters favorite saying is "Don't sweat the small stuff", and most of it is trivial in the overall picture.

As long as you have been a member I know you have done an excellent job at manning the site and helping others. Keep up the good work! May you always be here! Amen! An many HUGS!