Ross Procedure still an option for me ...

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
I saw my surgeon, Peter Skillington, again today. He had the results of my echo stress test. He had been concerned about my candidacy for a Ross Procedure (he has done more than 300) because I have a strangely wired right coronary artery. However my test results showed my heart copes very well with the strange wiring and he felt the Ross is still a very good option for me. He would probably just ligate my right coronary artery, which is currently pushing through about 20ml blood instead of 100ml of blood (each pump???).
It would mean my surgery is more like four to five hours instead of three.
He said it is more complex but he has refined the Ross in recent years. He said that the Ross fell out of favour in the 80s and 90s as many surgeons who did not know the procedure well started doing it and having poor results.
Anyway, he wanted me to think about it and call him on Monday to confirm I was happy to go down that path. He says there is always the chance he'll 'get in there' and find my pulmonary valve isn't appropriate anyway, in which case he'd do the straight mechanical BAV.
Getting close ... :eek:
Sorry for the looooooooooooooooong post ...
That's a tough decision. Is there a reason you're leaning toward Ross? Your age? or maybe you want more children?

I was considering a Ross back when I was first diagnosed in the 1990's. However, so much time went by and the ON-X came out, so I went with it instead. It seemed it was harder to find a good, experienced Ross Procedure surgeon, too. The surgeon who did my On-X valve used to be known for doing Ross procedures, too. We didn't discuss the Ross as an option for me though.

Don't have a lot of input for you but wanted to chime in as support of your decision making process.
Good luck with your surgery. I wanted a Ross procedure my first time around. The surgeon decided not to do it a couple of days prior to the surgery because of my dialated aorta which at the time was only 4.3 and didn't get fixed. So I got a bovine. I read in the surgical report from my second surgery that Dr. Miller saw evidence that suggested the first surgeon may have started a Ross then aborted. Interesting stuff.
That's a tough decision. Is there a reason you're leaning toward Ross? Your age? or maybe you want more children?

I was considering a Ross back when I was first diagnosed in the 1990's. However, so much time went by and the ON-X came out, so I went with it instead. It seemed it was harder to find a good, experienced Ross Procedure surgeon, too. The surgeon who did my On-X valve used to be known for doing Ross procedures, too. We didn't discuss the Ross as an option for me though.

Don't have a lot of input for you but wanted to chime in as support of your decision making process.

As my sig says, I have had a bio and now have an On-X. I just have never understood the rational of putting a perfectly good Pulmonary valve at risk like this and having to worry about two valve rather than just one. I wouldn't say I have considered the Ross, but it was put on the table by a surgeon in 1998, but not by Cosgrove. Pettersson was willing, but I chose not to consider it.

I have the same questions as Drive Topless. I will add it just seems like a leap to go from the risky Ross procedure to a mechanical valve. Why not a bio since that is what he was going to do with the Ross? Don’t take me wrong, I am now a Mechanical convert as I never want surgery again.

Best of luck to you!
You are in brilliant hands with Peter Skillington....he performed the Ross procedure on my husband, Chris 7 years ago. Just one question, what is the size of your aortic root? Has that been measured? Depending on the size it might be worthwhile considering reinforcing the root as there are cases where the aortic roots of BAV patients enlarge over time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Take care,
another suggestion would be to email your info and results to another ross specialist and get a second opinion?
my husband had his ross done by dr. paul stelzer (now at mt. sinai hospital, nyc) and he would be my recommendation. i know this is done frequently and it might make everyone feel better and more comfortable if the ross procedure is what you really want.
hope all works out well for you; please let us know.