Robotic Mitral Valve Repair - Going In Friday

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Mar 10, 2009
Rochester, NY
Greetings all. I am a 44 yr old very active male (still playing soccer 2 days/week, and in the weight room 2 days/week, etc..) - but was told in December of 2008 that I was going to require heart surgery, probably within 12 mos.

I was relatively asymptomatic, and went through the typical emotions after hearing this (denial, anger, sadness, acceptance, etc...)

I spent several months researching my options, and ultimately have chosen Dr. Rakesh Suri at the Mayo Clinic to attempt to repair my Mitral Valve via minimially invasive robotic surgery. I am suffering from severe Mitral Valve prolapse and regurgitation.

I am flying out to Rochester MN on Wed 8.26.09 so that I may go through my pre-op tests on 8.27 in order to be admitted for my surgery on 8.28.09.

This forum has been invaluable to me - learning from others that have successfully endured this challenge. In the spirit of providing my contribution, I thought I'd share that starting 8.26.09 I will be using Twitter to keep my friends and family current on my progress. For those that are unfamiliar with Twitter, it is a relatively new Internet technology/site in the category of social networking that allows individuals to publish 140 character updates on your activities so that interested parties may "follow" those updates. I will be providing several updates daily (when/if I am able) sharing my experiences and how I am feeling.

So, if interested, feel free to peer in on my journey through this experience pre and post op by pointing your web browser at

Thank you all for your contributions to date. I have learned alot from you all in preparation for my upcoming surgery. I am looking forward to getting this week behind me.

God bless.

Carpe Diem.
Hi and good luck with your surgery!

I am doing really well after robotic mitral valve repair myself on August 5, less than 3 weeks ago. I am back to work and feel really good. I go back for a follow up cardio visit on September 10th. I have only 1 more day on my beta blocker and that is it. I am really hoping they keep me off of it as it makes me sleepy!

Best wishes!
Hi and good luck with your surgery!

I am doing really well after robotic mitral valve repair myself on August 5, less than 3 weeks ago. I am back to work and feel really good. I go back for a follow up cardio visit on September 10th. I have only 1 more day on my beta blocker and that is it. I am really hoping they keep me off of it as it makes me sleepy!

Best wishes!

Thanks for the post Janie...great news on your success.

I'm looking forward to hopefully similar results.
Welcome to VR!
I've got your surgery on the calendar, so we'll be sending good vibes and prayers your direction Friday.
By the way, VR is all ready on Twitter!:)
There have been a few people my mom knows of who have recently had robotic MV repairs here in Atlanta. It is amazing how much of a difference there is in down-time. I'm sure you'll do great as well! Best of luck.

-I love Rochester, great city!
For those of us on who don't twitter, :) Hope you'll drop back by here and give us an update.

Sending very best wishes and hope you do well.
I was back at work three weeks after minimal invasive surgery by robot. I am sure your recovery will go well!
Welcome....prayers for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. Yes, please post here at least one update for us "old" folks who don't twitter.
I'm On The Other Side

I'm On The Other Side

Greetings all. 3 Days after my surgery and I am discharged. So far pain is managable..just taking Extra Strength Tylenol and Ibuprofen for the time being. Gooing back in to see the surgeon tomorrow to check INR and one more chest xray before flying home.

Thank you for all the kind posts while I was in the hospital. I am looking forward to a hopefully uneventful recovery.

Some of the lessons I learned:
1. If you are susceptible to migraine headaches don't be surprised if the trauama of the surgery and meds trigger a migraine. I get them once or twice a year (debhilitating), but had one trigger as I woke up in the ICU. Took some Extra Strength Tylenol with the Fentenol drip to manage through that the whole day after the operation.
2. Don't underestimate the exhaustion you may feel 1-2 days after your surgery. Yesterday, every time I laid down or sat down, my eyes closed. I was wiped out. Not sure how much of it was the anesthesia, how much was the Fentenol, and how much was just my body recovering from trauma. For me the exhaustion crushed me more than the pain 2nd day out. Just rest through it.

Will post more at a later time...right now, I need to chill a bit.

Thanks for all of your support.


Hi Darrin,

Congrats on your successful surgery and on getting discharged in just 3 days:). I did not get catch this thread until just now so I didn't get a chance to wish you good luck beforehand and now you are over the mountain already and heading home - wow, that must be a record! Take it easy and I wish you a smooth and equallly quick recovery. I checked out your twitter and was very impressed that you had made videos for your kids. I didn't even think of that. That must have been very emotional. Thank God that now you can watch them together!

Wishing you all the best! I bet you can't wait to get home and give your kids a big hug (just do it gently;))!

Congratulations Darrin & so glad to hear that you are now home & on your way to going on with your life.

Take it easy & I hope wish you a smooth & uneventful recovery!

Stay well! :)
Welcome to the VR Forum Darrin. I have a man in my Rehab program how just had
Robotic surgery on his mitual valve and is doing very well. Had a few small incisions were they went in and he looks great. You will be in my thoughts and prayers in a smooth and successful surgery and recovery. God Bless.
All the best for sucessful surgery Friday and welcome to vr
Prayers and good thoughts for you
Thank You

Thank You

All - just a quick note to thank you all for the kind thoughts, comments and prayers.

This was by far the most difficult thing I've ever had to endure.

I am happy to have, hopefully, the hardest parts behind me and begin an uneventful and productive recovery.

I was discharged from the Hospital on Monday, and are flying home tomorrow. We wanted to make sure the right lung wasn't going to be a problem.

We're all cleared and flying home tomorrow.

The pain is manageable, but I am still having trouble sleeping....looking forward to getting it all behind me.


Congrats on your surgery being behind you! I am 4 weeks post opt today and I am doing really well and back to work full time.

Sleeping was probably my biggest issue. I can suggest to use your pillows. Did the Mayo Clinic give you one to hug? That helped me so much. Honestly, my incision from the chest tube was the most painful area. I'm all healed now but going through it was hard.

Best of luck for your continued recovery!

Keep us posted!