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Well I head up to Cleveland on Monday 4/12 for all my pre-op work then hopefully have an Edwards Perimount Bovine pericardial aortic valve dropped in on Tuesday.
The pre-op is bloodwork, ekg, echo, and discussions with a physicians assistant, a cardiologist, the anesthesiologist and Dr. Cosgrove. I'll probably hit the chapel to talk to the big guy last.
Dr. Cosgrove will do a minimal incision technique. His nurse Jean Ryan says pump time is around 30 to 35 minutes, with surgery running 3 hrs. If I do have it Tues. I should be out on Friday or Sat. At the clinic, with Cosgrove, they give you a 3 day window for surgery. I hope I don't have to wait 3 days ! That could seem like 3 months !
If all goes as planned I will try to report 2 weeks from today to let everyone now waiting for surgery how mine went. I was always happy to read others experiences so I will return the favor.
I guess thats it. I've made my list and checked it twice. Just gotta gas up the car and remember my insurance card. I also shaved my chest so they won't have to work so hard at tearing and chafing my skin.
Take care, see you soon.
Heres hoping it all goes as planned and there are no major hurdles to overcome. Good Luck and God Speed.
Your a lucky guy!

Your a lucky guy!

Seems like you have it all planned out. At your age
and being your first OHS- Cosgrove won't even break a sweat doing you. You are truly fortunate to be able to take advantage of todays advances with little risk to yourself. I am jealous, especially about the MI techinique! I'll be lucky to make it out of CC in two weeks. Good luck and keep us informed if you can.
Smart move- the shaving part. It is much easier on
your body parts ;) ( if you know what I mean) if you do it
yourself in the privacy of your own home. Don't forget your
arms and legs. Going home gets real needlessly painful when they take those IVs out and rip out all your hair :eek:
I will be having mine by Dr. cosgrove too. Jean gave me a two day window that means I can have it either on 5/21 or on 5/22. They say Dr. Cosgrove may get an emergency call and may have to fly or something. Busy man!
I am also leaning towards Bovine pericardial mitral valve replacement. Good luck bud. I am sure you will do fine. Do tell us all about it.

You are in great hands with Dr. Cosgrove. I met him briefly right before my surgery, while I lay freezing on the operating room table. I had requested no sedative, as I wanted to meet him. He seemed like a very caring person and according to my cardiologist, Dr. Cosgrove did a spectacular job on repairing my valve. :)

You will be in my thoughts and prayers next Tuesday.

Christina L.

Good luck to you, and I hope you get the early date! As for the shaving, they didn't ask me to shave anything ahead of time, and the guy who took care of it was an expert. He had me shaved from my chin to my knees in a couple of minutes. Apparently it doesn't have to be baby smooth, because he used clippers. I hope someone can post for you to let us know how the surgery went, but if not let us know as soon as you're up to it.

See ya on the other side buddy!
Best wishes for your upcoming surgery, Spillo. You're in great hands. You'll do just fine.

We'll be waiting to hear how things went.

Take care,
:rolleyes: Good Luck to you! I had my surgery postponed for a day last week and that was tough, but now looking back on it, I am just thankful to have it over.
:eek: As far as the shaving goes, I was shaved practically hairless, both my arms were entirely shaved along with the other spots.. I will keep you in my prayers and hope all goes well for you.
Kathy H
Spillo and Sam,

I hope that all goes well. The surgeons and the staff at CCF are great. The nurses are very competent and caring. You'll have many people praying for you.
I'd say I have fond memories of Cleveland but I don't, at least not of the hospital.

ALTHOUGH, their commisary was the best I've ever seen.... if you get a chance to eat their before you have your surgery, do so, would be well worth it. =)

I think I met Cosgrove once or twice, but he didn't work on me because I was a "peds" patient (nevermind I was 29 at the time, good thing they had adult size beds on the pediatric floor...)

Best of hands, top notch, no place I'd rather be....

Well, besides a warm, sunny, tropical beach somewhere around the Equator!

Had an assignment at one of the local beaches in the area here. A BALMY 45º F with a 15mph wind from the Great Canadian North blowing over a frozen Lake Erie.

I got wind burn on my face.

Good luck!

A safe journey and a safe return.
all the best Spillo

all the best Spillo

Hi Spillo,

I don't know if you are on line anymore before your scheduled surgery. I am lined up for the 18th so I feel we are "neigbors".
I wish you all the best. I am sure you chose the best crew on board and I hope you have quick and easy recovery.
See you on the other side!

My guess

My guess

I have been thinking about you and your surgery at
CC. You are so lucky to be with your co-workers. My guess
is you are now waking up with the surgery behind you. Let us know if Cosgrove even "broke a sweat" during your
surgery. Now the race is to beat Tobagatwo and be home
before Friday. I bet you really take pride in the fact that your work at CC has contributed to your own recovery. Let us know my friend.
Good Luck
and for the shaving thing I would suggest let your wife of girl friend do it it gets comical. :p