Re-run all your tests?

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Active member
Oct 22, 2010
Dad got a call from Cleveland today that they want him to come out so that they can re-run all of his tests prior to approving him for surgery.

Has anyone else come across this? Is this customary?
I had all my tests at hospital associated with Mass General but verified in advance Mass General and my surgeon would accept them and not require they be redone. They totally approved of the two doctors doing my tests and there was no issue.

I would have been very unhappy to have to redo cath and TEE which were only a few weeks old.

Did your dad already have all his testing done prior to Cleveland? And then did repeat tests at Cleveland?
Do you or your dad have copies of the actual Video (CD or VCR tape) of his previous tests?
If you can obtain them (or arrange for them to be sent to CC) would that satisfy CC?

Echocardiograms are highly dependent on operator skill and the quality of the instrumentation so those tests are often repeated by Major Centers, especially if they have 'questions' about the previous tests.
Yes, we have copies on CD of all his tests. My dad has had just about every possible test performed (TEE, echo, PFT, etc). And, we have already sent everything over to Cleveland. But even after reviewing his file, they want it all repeated. I understand that they want to be thorough.... and we do appreciate that... but we are just so anxious for him to get help.
This doesn't sound too far off to me. The surgeon following my case has considered surgery twice for me inside of a couple years, and both times there was an echo available from about 7 or 8 months prior that he felt wasn't recent enough. I think surgeons want very recent, thorough data from their own facility to make a consideration.
Duke re-ran several of my tests as well. My surgeon explained to me that it was important to have the most accurate information as possible close to the date. I had a second CT, within 6 months of my first. Had a very lengthy thorough Echo done.
Thanks for all your replies. Knowing that this is fairly common did put Dad at ease a bit.
Much appreciated.

I apologize for the delay in my response, I've been grading due to the end of a marking period. My father had testing done in Florida but his surgeon required their own testing 3 weeks before his surgery. It seems to be the 'Cleveland way' and given their accomplishments who can argue with it! When you take your Dad for the testing, have him dress with a sweater under his coat. The testing area is in front of the building with a glass front and many doors continuously opening and closing. We found it to be quite chilly and that was in October.