raising children

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
hello everyone! just wanted to ask you young guys and girls who have gone through OHS about raising children. my wife and i found out we are having twins! i am so excited, but have that demon on my back that worries me. the last thing i want to worry or think about is my health. i just want my kids to have a normal life and i want to give them that. any suggestions or advice from you that have raised children during and after surgery would be greatly appreciated. having twins is scary enough, without having to worry about my health as well.
Congratulations! I have 2 all grown boys, I have known all my life that eventually I would probably need heart surgery, but made the best of it, enjoyed every minute of it with my boys and never missed out on anything with them due to my health which was not so bad, but never worried about it either, lived a perfectly normal life while raising the kids. Hope your health is good and if it is don't worry about it, just take it one day at a time and enjoy every minutes with the twins! Again Congrats twins wow, should keep you busy enough.
Well, our children are 5 and 7, and Chris had his OHS about 9 months ago. We've posted about the depression and all, but every day seems a little more normal. He had his physical limitations, of course, but is at full strength now. The kids adjusted more easily to the physical stuff than to the depression. They had a hard time with his lack of desire to do things ; why doesn't daddy want to (fill in the blank)? We tried to keep their lives as normal as possible, and that was very helpful. Yes, you are at an increased risk for problems with your health; make sure you get a life insurance policy and all that. However, anyone can have an accident or develop cancer, so live accordingly! The Bible has multiple references; we don't know the day of His coming, and be ready for the Bridegroom, etc. Make sure you take care of your own health. And congrats!

Cool evening in Idaho,
Congratulations...they say twins are twice as much fun!

Dont let your life be ruled by your heart concerns....just be sensible, have everyone screened and monitor those who are at risk...
look at all the members here - most of whom are living their lives normally, every day. You will make whatever adjustments you need to in order to accommodate those wee ones. And your heart situation will take a back seat, given time, tho you will always be aware of it (we all are). Be happy you are here, that you have a lovely wife and two brand new family members coming along. Your life will happily forever change and your heart will enlarge with love for those babies. Maybe a taser, tho.

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