Questions after surgery Jan 3rd

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
South Carolina
Hey gang,
I had a few questions. First my scar is still very painful, not at the bottom; but from the mid breast up, man it is still very, very painful, it's almost like 2 different scars in apperance and feeling. How about it, anybody have this problem.
Second, upon little or sometimes no activity; I am sweating like I've never done before. I get drenched and my chest feels heavy. Sometimes I feel short of breath also.

Depression; this has become a real problem with me. Dr. just started me on trazadone, ambien wasn't even working for the sleeping issue. I can't sleep anymore. Alot of times when I do sleep I wake feeling as if someone has hit me with a baseball bat across the chest.

I am so confused, the one thing I had after surgery is pneumonia. Is all of this normal.

I am seeing the cardio. in the morning. My stepmom, who is a nurse says my scar looks really red, like it's not healing properly, she was concerned that if the scar is not healing, what's going on with the inside of the scar. I am concened also, I thought I would feel so much better by now.

Any suggestions and or comments are greatly welcomed.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that in one of my several visits to the ER with massive migraines and chest pain one of the blood test came back a little elevated first was the D Dimer, but after CT Scan they didn't mention anything else, so I guess that was fine.

The second one was Troponin I was elevated; with a foot note saying "patients with minimal elevations of Troponin I may be at increased cardic risk in next 42 days." But of course this was never mentioned to me in the Er.



Hi Lisa,

It sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on. While others will udoubtedly be along who have much more experience with some of the issues you have aksed about, here's my two-cents on a couple of issues.

First, it sounds like you are pursuing answers through medical professionals. This is a good thing.

Second, the depression thing is fairly common following OHS. I got hit with it despite the fact that my recovery was very smooth and fast. My cardiologist defined it as a form of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Despite going on meds to help with the problem, dealing with depression effectively required major effort on my part.

Hi Lisa -

From what I've read, it's not unusual to have a few problems following OHS. And you know, it can take awhile to recover from pneumonia for a healthy person, let alone someone who is relatively healthy but recovering from OHS, like your situation.

I think you ought to have that scar checked though; can you ask your cardio about it tomorrow? I avoided fiddling with mine because I didn't want to irritate the wires inside or anything. But what you're describing doesn't sound quite right to me.

Regarding sleeping, are you trying to get some daily exercise, particularly walking? If you aren't, and if your doctor clears you for it, I would highly recommend walking also--starting slowly and building up a bit each day. It should also help build back up your stamina and help with the depression.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care :) .
Hi! Im 42 and had a bovine tricuspid replacement on feb 4,'08.
There dont seem to be many tissue valve replacements, I chose it because
I dont tolerate coumadin well.
My incisional scar Just healed within the past week , but my pacing wire
scars (i have 2) one healed while the other which is an inch away is still
draining a little. I think as long as you have no fever , and no infectious
drainage like yellow or red but sticky in texture it may be ok . BUT I would
ask since if its a deeper infection you may not have many symptoms at
first.I didnt know that my pacing scar wasnt healing until I pressed on it
and saw the drainage under the scab.
Obviously, as its near 4 am ,I also have insomnia and anxiety which is not
new but it has gotten worse ,this is and depression seem to be normal. I am
trying to get out as much as I can even though I am short of breath too-
very-the MD said it can take awhile for the heart to heal after all the years
of extra work.
Re the part of waking up , if you mean that you wake up with stiffness I think this is normal for a while .If you mean you have intense chest
pounding and anxiety (?) this happens to me at times, it feels like the whole
bed is shaking, I have never found out what it is ,but it usually goes away
on its own.
It seems we share alot of symptoms , I wish I could be more help , but
I wish you well in your recovery , Dina
Hi Lisa ... I never want to discount any issue anyone may have ... God knows I had a few myself ... And always call the doctor when you have "any" questions or problems ... That said, keep in mind that your entire body has gone through a massive trauma ... mind, body and spirit, I believe are involved ... It takes time and it takes more for some that other ... I am sure you are on the road to a great recovery and life after open heart surgery:)
Sorry to hear you're having a few post-op problems.

My scar mine was very senstive for about a year post-op. I wouldn't call it painful (unless something hit it). I would describe it as feeling like I was sewn up too tight. When I would stretch I could feel it pulling. Now two years out it is itchy and a bit sensitive as it went keloid. If it doubt, get it checked out.

Depression is pretty common especially if recovery isn't going as well as YOU expected. Many of us have a hard time with how slowly the body heals after OHS so it's depressing. Also, if you've never been really sick or injured before (like me), it's a rude awakening how fragile life is...also depressing. I was tired but found I didn't sleep very deeply for weeks, perhaps months. I would wake up several times in the middle of the night.

I can't say pneumonia is normal post-op, but your body is weakened by OHS so is vulnerable. I made sure I was eating health and getting enough rest. I stayed away from crowds the first few weeks, and also made sure I was properly dressed for the weather.

I hope your feeling better soon. Hang in there. Best wishes and good luck.
Oaktree wrote:

"One thought I have about the scar is that perhaps you might want to consult the surgeon as well as your cardio. If it is a surgical matter, the surgeon may be more tuned in to a solution. If you do decide to see him, be sure to tell him about all your symptoms, so he will understand that it is not just that the scar is red that brings you to his office, it is that you are having many problems with your overall recovery from the surgery. You might want to have your stepmom go with you to the appointment, if she can."

All I can add is AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

My first thought after reading your post was that your SURGEON needs to see and know what is happening.
Obviously 'something' is not right with the scar and possibly / probably other issues as well.

KEEP BUGGING the Doc's for some definitive answers!

As Nancy says, "Never Give In and Never Give Up"!

Best Wishes in finding some solutions.

'AL Capshaw'