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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Beautiful Small Town, North Carolina
I walked two miles today!! I know a lot of people are doing more by now (5 wks post op) but for me this was hard to do pre-op, because of how out of shape I am. I plan on just keeping at it and slowly but surely keep increasing it!
You go girl! I was not walking anywhere near 2 miles at 5 weeks post op. I think that is awesome. Keep it up.
Thats great. I have never been able to walk that far consistantly. I hope some day that I will be able to get there. Keep up the good work.

It was through out the day. I did a mile this morning, a half mile in the afternoon and another half a few hours later. I had my four year old in tote, so I had to break it up. Even still. That is more than what I could do pre-op. So I am thrilled.
That's awesome. It's the little things that we do everyday that add up to big results. Keep with it.

Gee with a four year old I think the conversion factor is ten so that would in fact be 20 miles
Great Job!! At 5 months I did a 13 mile bike ride, but I wasn't walking anywhere near 2 miles a day at 5 wks. At this rate you could greatly exceed my 13 mile ride if you wanted. I don't have a 4 yr old in tow, but do have a 4 yr old grandson, so I can imagine. Remember to enjoy the walk and time with your 4 yr old--don't think of it only as exercise. You are doing great!!

I am I reading this right? 5 weeks, 2 miles! This is super. You are Waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy ahead of the game.

Keep walking.