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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Last week I posted about a horrible bout with the flu. I thought that I was getting better for several days then started vommiting again. I went back to the doctor on Thursday and was sent to a gastroenterologist on Friday. I will have an endoscope done on Tuesday. It could not be done today because they could not reach the cardiologist to determine if I needed antibiotics for the test. in the meantime, I've lost 14 pounds.

I am wondering, OF COURSE, about the effect of all of this on my heart. I have not been able to keep down a lot of the medication and was told not to take baby asprin. ALL I can think about it a-fib and clots! My pulse seems to be steady and slow, but I am feeling my heart pounding in my ear again at night.
Hi Kathy,

I am so sorry you are feeling that awful:(

Unfortunatley I share a minor version of what you describe. No fever, vomited once. It is a very strage because for two days before the 'symptom onset'....felt dizzy and thought it was something with the heart.

Looks like your not on Coumadin? If you are for some reason....have your INR checked ASAP. Keep yourself hydrated the best you can and keep us posted.

Take care.
Thanks Gina. Fortunately, I have been off of coumadin for a few months. It has dawned on me what sorts of confusion that would have added to the picture.
So sorry you are feeling so bad again. Maybe you need to ask about the shot that keeps you from vomiting, if you aren't able to keep anything down. If you think you might be getting too dehydrated, get into the doctor or ER for IV fluids. You need to stay hydrated for your heart, as well as other organs.

I sure hope you feel better soon.
Kathy, I'm sorry to hear that you are still not feeling better. Joe was on a couple of different beta blockers, they didn't work for him and made him nauseous 24/7. The doctor put him on Zofran which is an anti-nausea drug used even for chemo patients. That helped a lot, but then he got other side affects and had to go off the beta blockers anyway. There are medications that might help.

But I'm glad to hear that you are going to a gastro man on Friday. I hope it's nothing serious.

Sending good thoughts your way.
Thanks for the info, Nancy and Karlynn,

I went to the hospital 9 days ago and got an IV for hydration. I sip water constantly.

I have been on three medications for nausea, including Zofran and was able to eat for one day, before starting in again. I saw the gastro last Friday and tomorrow he will do an endoscopy. Ordinarily I would be disgusted by the thought of having to swallow the tube, but I'm so miserable I can't wait for the test.:)
Hello Kathy,

I believe you need to premedicate for ANY invasive procedure whenever you have valve issues. This includes ALL Dental work, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy among others. Ask your Cardiologist for the Premedication foldout for your wallet / purse published by the American Heart Association.

The nurse will start an IV through which they will most likely inject Demerol and Versed (or some other form of conscious sedation). By adjusting the dose of the sedation they can have take you anywhere from conscious and relaxed to totally unaware of what is happening.

Before they insert the endoscope they will spray your throat with some foul tasting medicine to suppress the gag reflex and then ask you to swallow. Just do it and try not to concentrate on the taste :( DON'T LET THEM FORGET TO DO THIS ! (it does happen)

Then they will most likely have you lay on your side, open your mouth, and insert the scope. If you still gag, they can increase the sedation which will hopefully control that reflex.

Been there, done that.


Thanks you for the helpful information.

I will have to get a copy of the premedication folder. Although it's only been 6 months since surgery this is my third invasive procedure. The cardio and gastro doctors did hook up and I was advised to have the amoxicillan an hour beforehand. The gastro felt uneasy about my having this in my stomach while he did the procedure so they conferred again and I will be getting the amoxicillan by IV.

I was told about the semi-conscious sedation, but not the spray for gag reflex. I will definitely speak up about that.

I'm not at all nervous. I've been poked and prodded so many times, I figure this can't be much worse.
The endoscopy was a breeze. I have an ulcer in the small intestine and was given some medication and have already had two small meals. I am happy tonight!
<< The endoscopy was a breeze. I have an ulcer in the small intestine and was given some medication and have already had two small meals. I am happy tonight! >>

So ... Kathy, is this a happy ending? I hope so. I am so sorry you had to suffer so much and worry so much about this.(For sure, not the recommended way to lose weight.)