Pre-surgery contemplations...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
As I sit here waiting for surgery, what is it that I most dread? Is it the pain, the risk, the recovery??? No. It's the smell. All I can think about are the smells. The awful, nauseating odor of the hospital. That new-tubing smell. The alcohol swab and antibacterial soap smell. The general smell of "sterile." It makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. This morning, despite being "NPO," I felt a strong desire to throw up as the memory of the smell entered my nostrils. I've been stuck three times already. Once for a blood draw and twice for the IV. My veins never like to cooperate the first (and sometimes second) time. And of course the only option left for the IV was in the side of my wrist. There are only a few other places to choose from that are more painful and inconvenient. And still, through the pain of the needles, all I could focus on was the smell. It's as if it has a homing device leading it straight to my nose. They're subtle smells, but potent in their memory cells. For one who has been in the hospital and the OR as many times as I have, unable to see well without my glasses, it is the smell that brings back the memories. Perhaps if I could shut down that sense, just for the duration of my hospital stay, then I might be better able to block out the memories of surgeries past. But short of holding my breath, there is little hope that I will be capable of escaping the smells.

The sad thing is that there are ordinary smells that I've ended up associating with the hospital as well. Walking into McDonald's is the equivalent of walking into Texas Children's. Apple juice reminds me of ICU. But the worst smell of all is that of new plastic. It causes a recollection of nasal canulas in my nostrils. Can't escape that smell. Once in a while I'll open a new package of something seemingly innocent (a specific example escapes me at the moment) and I'm flooded with memories. None pleasant. The cold, hard OR or cath lab, complete with all of the smells that nauseate me, is the worst memory of all. Because it is that awful smell of the "gas" just before drifting into sleep that I dread the very most. The giving up control, and a little piece of my life, myself, my memory. That is the worst moment in all of this. That, and its anticipation.

Fifteen head-to-head battles with surgery have left me a bit scarred. And I'm not referring to the physical evidence of being sliced open on the table. I'm talking about emotional scars. They're subtle, and most can't see them. But once in awhile, they wreak havoc with my ability to stay somewhat sane. I can pretend that it's just an inconvenience and that surgery doesn't bother me, but once in a while, one of those scars rears its ugly head and pumps raw emotion straight to my eyes and my attitude. Nathan and I argued this morning. He wasn't getting up and moving as fast as I would have liked, so I lashed out, thinking he must be too non-chalant about something that had me so worried. However, his reply of throwing the newspaper he held in his hand across the room belied his cool exterior. It's an awful good thing we love each other, and understand that it is the stress talking, or we would have split long ago. He has been present for 12 of my 16 surgeries to date (that's including this one scheduled for today). I'm so lucky to have someone who is willing, and able, to put up with it the way he does. I don't know what I'd do without him.

I'm not exactly sure why I've become so philosiphical this time around. It isn't as if this surgery has me worried that I might not make it, or even that there will be complications. Perhaps it's just the fact that it so closely follows my last surgery, two months ago. I'm ready to be done with surgery. Unfortunately, there will always be another one around the corner... Nothing I do or hope for will ever change that. At least, not while I'm alive, and I'd really like to stay that way for a while longer.

I could end up writing a novel here if I continue, so I'll stop. Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive and helped me to feel less alone. At times, you're the only voices I'm ready to hear. Thank you.
What a great piece of writing

What a great piece of writing


I haven't been in this forum all that long, and my recent surgery went well and my recovery seems to be going great. So I can't even BEGIN to appreciate what you have gone through to this point. One only hopes this time around will be smooth and easy.

But I have to tell you...I was really struck by the literary quality of this entry. When you say
I could end up writing a novel here if I continue, so I'll stop.

I believe this entry could very well have been a page of a well written autobiography. Very impressive.

I know this probably doesn't help with what you will be going through, but I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was when I read it.

Best of luck. I look forward to reading more from you!

Fast Eddie
Ross said:
Your going to make it and this time, it's going to go right the first time around. ;)
Too late. It's already the second time around ;).
Niki, I was away for a few days and didn't realize that today is the day. This truly was an eloquent post! Our prayers are with you today and we look forward to hearing about all good results soon!
Gnusgal said:
Too late. It's already the second time around ;).

Well, we're NOT shooting for "third time's a charm!"

I do know what you mean. There's no place like a cold surgical "holding area" to remind you that this is life. Funny how we forget it. And of course, some of us don't. And of course, there's nothing funny about it.

We're headed your way Sunday, with no internet access for sometime, so I hope you're able to post before I leave.
Take care,

Niki, you are in my thoghts and prayers, I'm sorry you are having another surgery it sucks. Your post was so well written, I could see you chose to be a librarian because of your love of written words. as soon as I started reading, I immeadiately could smell that sicking sweet smell that alsways gets me.
I hope you don't have to smell any hospital smells for a very long time after this, Lyn
ps, I so understand the glasses thing, I never had big surgeries, but i hate the being in rooms for procedures w/out my glasses, for some reason, it feels like if I can't see well I can't hear either, it is not a nice feeling.

I am wishing you the very best. My prayers are with you. All will be well!!

I know smells can trigger many reactions. To avoid this problem I lined one nostril with peanut butter and the other with jelly. It worked great but I pitched a fit for a glass of milk when I woke up!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Peace be with you.

Wow! I'm praying all goes well with your surgery. And a very expressive entry on how you are feeling! Those tubes are son had surgery and the chest tubes had to remain in a little longer than expected. He was so THRILLED to get them taken out the day they did it. Since then, I've seen tubing in various places (like in the laundry room where the air conditioner drainage hose is, etc.) that looks just like those dreaded tubes! Can't help but bring back those memories. Can't imagine what you have been through! Best of luck with this surgery and hope all goes smoothly! And you should write a book!
Niki, your post really touched my heart. I feel frustrated that I cant help you in some way....even to offer a hug I can offer to you is '' heartfelt empathy '' and prayers...lots of prayers. Very Best Wishes.

I completely can associate to what you are trying to say. Not like I have been through a lot of surgeries, my first will be on 29th but still as a kid I never liked going to the hospital or any clinic coz I hated that smell. I was telling my husband about this a couple of days back that I always said I will never go to the hospital ever in my life coz I cant stand that smell and here I am visiting the hospital every third day. This always happens to me, the more I try and escape from things I hate doing I some how get into the situations where I have to deal with them.

I always thought I am very strong:p but you are great! After going through your post I feel I have learned a lot about you, you are a fighter in every sense of word. At times when I give up I complain to god about putting me through all this but from now on I will never do that. Will pray for you rather.
And you know what my prayers work!:cool: so you will be fine.

Loads of hugs
