Pre-surgery--a wife's questions

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You know we'll keep you both in thought and prayer.

Everything will be fine and it'll be over before you know it.

Look forward to your post surgery post. ;)

Relax and take it easy.
Hello Evelyn,

Hope all is going well for you and your husband.

I'd like to add a couple of recommendations:

FIRST, find out WHO will be responsible for WHAT post-op.
Typically, the surgeons want to pass you off to your cardiologist and / or PCP ASAP and generally this works OK.

In my case, I had no problems from the surgery but I had a LOT of minor complications, especially reactions and interactions from so many new drugs (in fairly high dosages). My surgeon's office called me a couple of days post op and basically said, "don't call us, call your cardiologist or primary care physician". Admittedly, this saved me from having to drive 100 miles for checkups with the surgeon but it was NOT clear what issues the cardiologist would cover and what issues the PCP would cover. We worked it out, but it's better to know beforehand.

SECOND, PUSH the Breathing Exercises (with the incentive spirometer). I did the recommended number of sets but ended up with 'Walking Pneumonia' 3 weeks after my Bypass surgery and fluid between one of my lungs and the chest wall after my recent Valve Surgery which resulted in a couple of visits to my PCP, a trip to the ER, several drugs (and drug reactions / interactions), and increased use of the 'breathing machine' to finally cure. It seems that one of my lungs did not inflate fully. I can't help but wonder if all that couldn't have been avoided by simply pushing my breathing exercises harder from the start.

Prayers are with you and hubby

Prayers are with you and hubby

Hi Evelyn..My prayers will be with you and your hubby on big day (tomorrow?) I am 3 months post-op and doing great..He will be here before you know it. Bonnie
Dear Evelyn:

I just wanted to drop you a line, to join the others in wishing you well tomorrow. There is not much else one cay say, except that you and your husband will be in the hearts and prayers and thoughts of everyone over the next days.

Go in peace. We will see you on the other side of the mountain.

Evelyn, best of luck to Tyce and yourself tomorrow. We'll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way. See you on the other side!

Hello All.....Many many thanks for your thoughts and prayers. You guys are truly wonderful angels who have come into our lives. I will forever be grateful for your prayers, thoughts and kindness. We just found out that Tyce will go to surgery at noon. We're leaving tomorrow morning at 5:30 as we have to be at the hospital at 7. My gut is that he won't be conscious when I see him and probably not until very late in the evening. I know visiting hours are from 7:30 until 8, but as long as everything looks good, I'll just kiss him goodbye and see him on Thursday....I know they're very strict.

Again, thank you for your prayers. This isn't the way I planned to spend the first day of my retirement from teaching, but I'm looking for many many years of dog show trips, traveling and being with my best friend.

Thank you all, again.

Hi Ev,

Just wishing you and Tyce all the best tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you both. Hopefully everything will go wonderfully and this will all be behind you in no time. Don't stress out too much. It'll be rough going for a bit, but just go along for the ride and take it one day at a time. I'm looking forward to hearing how things go!

God bless,

We are all hoping all goes well. From what I hear and read, it will. In fact I am planning on being scheduled for AVR replacement in Aug.

I must tell you that I have the same fears and concerns as you do so I hope all goes well and please know that you are in my prayers as well. Hang in there and keep us posted.


hi evelyn!
you and tyce will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. i'm sure you are in good hands. the docs and st. francis are great. please post when you can so that we'll know how things are going with you both.
all the best, sylvia
To Everyone.....I'm not really sure whether this post should be in presurgery or postsurgery, but I just had to let you ALL know that Tyce is fine, the surgery was successful and everything went well. We went in at 7 a.m. for a 12:00 surgery. He went into the OR at 12.20 and was out in recovery at 3:45. The surgeon called me and told me I could see him in ICU at about 4:30. All is fine, except that he said he feels as though he was hit by 4 mack trucks. As I write this it's 9:40 at night, and I'm a couch potato, but I just wanted to let you all know he is fine, majorly hurting, but very fine. He's on morphine via IV line and when I called the ICU at 8:45 they said he was resting fairly comfortably. looks like he'll be with us for a bit longer.

Thank you all so very, very much. I know I couldn't have gotten through this surgery without your guidance, support and wonderful outpouring of love. It's very amazing the many blessings one realizes in times of crisis.....I would verymuch love to meet you and thank you all truly are my angels. I definitely will post again tomorrow, but right now I'm brain dead and need to get some rest.......thank you all, from the bottom of my healthy heart. Evelyn
FANTASTIC Evelyn and Tyce!

Nice surgical work, short time in and out. Well, all that's left is the healing now.

Did we forget to tell you? They have a ten wheeler that they run back and forth across your chest during this surgery:p

You should see Joe's tire tracks.

Seriously, I'm so glad for both of you. Ya did good!

Outstanding. I am so glad to hear all went well. Keep us posted on how things are going.

You need to pull for me in Aug.

;) It's nice to hear that all is well. I'll wait for your next post, after you've had some rest and get to visit him again.
Now that surgery is over, start posting in the post surgery forum. lol
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Evelyn - Great to hear Tyce made it through the surgery and is on his way to recovery. I missed most of this chain of postings, but just wanted to send my good wishes. I was born on Long Island (Queens), so I am thinking good thoughts about you.
For my 1st AVR in '89 , I was told the problem rate was about 5% and 95% successful.
I didn't even want to know more than that and was feeling very confident about the whole procedure.
The night before my surgery I listened to a favorite tape and it made me just know I would come thru with flying colors.
Now, for my 2nd AVR I didn't even ask what my chances were because I came in from the ER and was in bad shape, but still feeling positive about the surgery. My surgeon and his chief resident came in and were so confident about my surgery that I wasn't even concerned about complications. It wasn't until after my surgery anyway that the surgeon told me I was at death's door coming into it, so I would imagine that my risk was higher.
If you are in good health going in, I would think the risks are low.

That is terrific news! Congratulations, and welcome to the other side.

Gail's comments are right on. I do think you are SO much better off going into the surgery in fairly good shape, before CHF has set in, or that it is an emergency. Complications afterwards seem to be so much less as well.

Again, congratulations, and best wishes now, for a speedy recovery.


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