Pre op testing next week at CC..Surgery July 7

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
I've decided that dragging this out any longer is just no fair to my family. Some of my kids are old enough to have researched this themselves (one dd is in nursing school and ds is in paramedic school so not much gets by them :) ) I know the waiting is the worst part. I told someone it feels like being on that first hill of a roller coaster and I don't like roller coasters. I just need to get over the top of the hill and get on with life. I know people here understand in a way others can't.

According to the first surgeon I saw I am having an aortic root replacement due to BAV, moderate aortic stenosis and aortic aneurysm of 5.2 cm. According to Dr. Svenson's nurse who reviewed my records with him this needs to be done in the next month or 2. Same opinion as the first surgeon. Svenson noted the 5.2 size as opposed to 5.0 from the other surgeon.

I am supposed to have a heart cath and many other tests over 2 days next week. On day 3 I meet Dr. Svenson for the first time and anesthesiology. I will certainly be taking questions from this site to that visit. I have a surgery date of July 7 and my understanding is that they admit you one day before for IV fluids.

I worry so much about my family. I know I'll be fine but I worry for obvious reasons along with the lesser reason that I just feel bad for kind of "hijacking " everyone's summer. I have yet to tell a lot of people and I keep getting caught on the phone with friends who want to make plans for upcoming weeks. I would be tempted to take a little more time but when I was told that I won't be driving for 6 weeks that made me realize that the sooner the better. Not driving when the kids go back to school will be difficult to say the least.

Hanging out here has helped me a great deal.

There is so much to do to get ready for this. It is just overwhelming as you know. Thanks for being here everyone.

Hey Barb,
Good Luck. In the last few days several people have gone through surgery at CC, so I'm sure someone will chime in really soon. From reading their posts, it is a top notch hospital. Wish I had been able to go there, but oh well.
So please keep us posted. We are here for you and can't wait to see you on the other side of the mountain.:)
Just put you on the calendar, Barb. You're going to a world class facility, so I'm confident all will go well. Please let us know how the tests go.

You should do just fine. And your immediate family won't have far to go to a world-class hospital, either.

Your dd can practice on her mom when you come home....

And, yes, the waiting is the worst.
Hi Barb, While I did not have the same procedure as you, I did go for the 3 days of pre-surgical testing, heart cath, echo, MRI, etc. They are very efficient, we were actually 1/2 -1 hour ahead of schedule all the way through until I was to meet the surgeon. On that day, be prepared to wait because the surgeons meet with patients between operations and can never tell exactly when that will be. They will give you a pager to let you know when they are ready. Be assured, you are receiving the best medical care possible. Plus, they have a cool fountain out front!:D

Barb....I too had surgery at CC this summer. I waited WAY TOO long...not so much physical as mental. The wait is definitely the worst part! I have not heard that anyone is admitted the day before, but your procedure may be different. Just relax and let them take care of you......they are experienced. I also avoided telling anyone and had friends trying to make plans for the summer. That is hard on you as well. But when it's over you can tell everyone. I'm glad you have your date and with such a fine surgeon! Try to relax and enjoy the rest of June and the holiday. Prayers for peace of mind for you and for your family. Update us after your tests and meeting with Dr. Svenson and staff.
Hi Barb, glad you have set your date. The waiting is the worst part, and you don't have to wait too long.
Certainly don't worry about 'hijacking' peoples' summer...I personally found that it was easier to recover in the summer, who wants to go walking outside when it's freezing?

You're going to be just fine! We're all here to support you, and lots of folks (seems lately, especially) have been to CC and have had Dr. Svensson as a surgeon. Sounds like you're in great hands.

Keep us posted on how you're doing, and don't be afraid to vent or ask questions!

Hi Barb,

Good luck at CC....I'm heading there myself in August form mitral valve repair and everyone on this site has make me feel lots better. Sounds like we will be in good hands there! Take care and let us know the progress!
Hi Barb,

So glad to read that you have a date. At least the you are out of waiting in limbo. Now there is a plan of action to get you over to the other side of the mountain. You will be in excellent hands and everything I have heard about CC is top notch.

I 'apparently' will be having surgery in July (will know next week) and was feeling guilty about hijacking family ?vacation?s etc, too. This is time for it to be all about you! Your family will be more concerned about your wellness and getting better than vacation schedules. :)

All the best and we are here for you!