Prayers Answered-Jim is home

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Glad I did a too-rare check-in to the forums to see this. Jim was the first non-Colorado vr.commer I met - at the Chicago reunion in 2004 (see if he remembers the goofy guy in the pink boa!) I certainly will be praying for both of you - what a great guy. And don't you just love the way hospitals seem to lose their institutional memory from Friday evening to Monday morning?!


Oh my about a "blast from the past"! So cool to SEE you :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone" ... Fort Minor ... 'Where'd You Go?'
I'm home, Wednesday afternoon. Lots to catch up on, but so far the tightrope has been successfully walked. Thanks for all your expressions of concern. Just a few notes:
- I got warm blankets in the ER already, but I didn't get pajama bottoms until several days later.
- I did make a request to get internet access for the chat sessions last Sunday, but my request was denied, although with my request for a shower.
Scary stuff!!

Scary stuff!!

Wow, Jim!! :eek:

I think I’m glad I didn’t see this thread until today. It was hard enough just reading through it tonight. Scary!!

A rough week for our dear Shirley too!! I'm sure glad you are back home.
Jim, I'm so glad to hear you are home. Let's hope this is the end of it. I just returned this AM from P.Vallarta where I could check on your progress but I couldn't log in. The only thing I didn't like was having to wear an arm band at the was just too much like a patient ID band at a hospital! Please take care and let us know how things are going. Thank Shirley again for letting us know so we could pray.
Just thinking about you Shirley and Jim and hope you are doing better.

PillarPaul said:
Jim was the first non-Colorado vr.commer I met - at the Chicago reunion in 2004 (see if he remembers the goofy guy in the pink boa!)

You mean this goofy guy?!?!:D And hey, wasn't it 2003??
How Time Flies!

How Time Flies!

Yes, Janie and Cort, it is THAT goofy guy with some goofy woman in the photo:) . And you're right - I guess it was 2003! I'll have my 5-year anniversary in April. Do we get a gold heart valve lapel pin?

Hey, but more importantly - Jim, so glad to hear you're doing well. Stay well now, OK?

ShezaGirlie said:
And hey, wasn't it 2003??

Indeedy it was.

2003 was Chicago because that was the year the Cubs were in the playoffs and lost to the Marlins.

2004 ... the reunion was in Colorado ... and I attended around my 2-week road trip out west that year.

And, Paul, if we get a gold heart valve lapel pin for our 5-year anniversary, I haven't received mine yet.... ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Someday you will find me" ... Oasis ... 'Champaign Supernova'
Cool idea "gold lapel pin"! I will take a double next year:D I mean, the pin. Not another valve! 5 years x 2.
Oh my gosh, Jim, I just got around to reading this post today, a week after the fact. What an extremely scary experience. How are you doing now?

Thanks for updating and keeping us posted. My thoughts and prayers go ou to both of you, that you find the answers to why this happened.

Pillar Paul: My gosh, look who popped in! Yeah, it was the 2003 reunion, almost 5 years ago in the fall. Who could forget the pink Boa? I bet the hotel didn't! lol!

Okay, in March it's 7 years for me. I want a 7 year pin! :D


I'm glad to read you're home from the hospital. What a scary experience. I hate when those darn doctors don't think the patient knows what their talking about! I hope you're feeling somewhat better.
LUVMyBirman said:
Cool idea "gold lapel pin"! I will take a double next year:D I mean, the pin. Not another valve! 5 years x 2.


I needed this laugh tonight ... course, the Giants win in the Super Bowl helped, too ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"A little vacation, ain't asking very much" ... Tim McGraw ... 'All I Want Is A Life'