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hey bob,
i hope your brother tom is doing ok. we've been praying for him.
what's this about a tee? is this routine? or is there something they are looking for?
i hope all goes well. please let us know.
God bless you,
Nothing beats the power of prayer, Im a true believer!
Your brothers will be in my prayers, and in my heart.
God bless them both!

I hope your brother Tom doing okay. I will have him and your family in my prayers. Diabetes is a terrible thing, as are all health problems. I believe I mentioned in a previous writing that I had a friend who lost his leg to diabetes. It was a few years ago so he's handling it better now. He has a prothesis ( don't know if I spelled that correctly) now and has learned to adjust. I will be praying that they can get the blood circulating in Toms leg. I wish
him the best of luck. God Bless!
Bob --

Hangin' in there with you and your brother big time. I've thought of him often and wish we could collectively share some of his pain and give him some of the encouragement that comes out of this forum, even (and specially) from those most burdened.

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Thanks All!

Thanks All!

When my brother comes up from Florida at Thanksgiving time I will show him all your postings and prayer offerings.

I thank you all so much.........

Even though I have been a "regular" for some two years or so, I still am amazed at how we all react to the needs of others and how we take the time to share our prayers and caring.

God Bless You All!
Hi Sylvia

Hi Sylvia

I was scheduled this week to have a TEE at Columbia on Tuesday but Monday night I woke up struggling to breathe and then found myself with severe chest pain and arm pain. (Like I had before my surgery.......seems these pains reoccur every couple of weeks)

So I cancelled my trip to NYC (didn't care to make the drive as I still felt weak on Tuesday) but went to my local cardio who wants the TEE done locally...probably next week. Electrocardiogram showed that I have frequent lapses in my heart beats where my heart does not make a beat for 2.3 seconds. (average)

Frustrating.............and tiring.

Very sorry to hear you are 'still' having these concerns.

Sounds like they are finally getting to the bottom of it! Arrhythmia? A good old EKG or holter monitor would seem to be the best way to get a handle on it? Maybe an adjustment in you medication is all that is needed.

Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you. Praying and here if you need to talk.

Email me privately with your phone number when you have a moment and I will give you a call.

Take care....and please keep us posted.
You will beat it

You will beat it

Hey Bob, Hello my friend..

Consider your troubles a tricky sand trap shot onto a steep green sloping away from you.. You will sink the shot, your problems will be diagnosed, you will get it fixed, and be the champ we all know you are.

The power of our collective faith will make you strong..
Just saw your last message. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that it was nothing but indigestion.
Hi Bob,

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and I'll be praying for you. I can imagine how horrible a feeling you get when you get the pains and shortness of breathe, like before surgery. I know after surgery we all hoped and pray that our lives will return to normal, with some minimal adjustment! I wish you luck and hope the cardio figures out the problem. Keep us posted on what happens. Take care, my friend!