Post surgery weight gain

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
I lost no weight while in the hospital and now have gained a pound a day (for six days) since returning home from the hospital following AVR. I'm finding this hard to understand - I have practically no appetite and am eating very little. I drink lots of water but that's pretty much in one end and out the other. I'm exercising as directed, maybe a bit more than recommended, but the weight thing has me puzzled. Any wisdom out there? I need to get my weight back down because it effects my blood pressure and blood sugar.
I'm two years post op and still randomly putting on weight despite training 10 hours a week! With me it's water retention, so I take the occasional frusemide, aka Lasix.

Two nights ago I dropped 2.9 kg after taking 40mg frusemide. That's 5% of my body weight in water! My cardiologist has no explanation for it.

If you don't have a prescription for frusemide or something similar, ask for one!
Good suggestion - I see my cardio next week and will check with him. Thanks
You might want to call sooner, especially if there is any sign of swelling in your ankles or feet. I recall that I was told that one of the post-op symptoms that warranted a call to the Dr. was either gaining 2 pounds in one day or gaining 5 pounds in one week. As skigirl noted, it is probably water retention but they will want to get you on meds before it becomes a problem.

I hope this resolves itself soon and you get your appetite back as well -- Suzanne
I agree with the ladies - this sounds like fluid retention. Usually it resolves itself, but it can become annoying before that happens. Tell your doc about how much you've gained and how it seems to be happening. Ask for a diuretic (water pill). They may prescribe lasix, maybe another gentler one. Either way, excess fluid retention is not helpful.
I agree with the ladies - this sounds like fluid retention. Usually it resolves itself, but it can become annoying before that happens. Tell your doc about how much you've gained and how it seems to be happening. Ask for a diuretic (water pill). They may prescribe lasix, maybe another gentler one. Either way, excess fluid retention is not helpful.
I checked with my cardiologist - he says it's too early to start diuretics and he'd like to see me next week and make a decision then.