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Active member
Feb 9, 2009
Dear VR friends,
What a journey!!! I had my AVR and anueryism surgery on March 11th and was able to make it to the CICU pretty fast. However, once there I realized how much more alert I was and tried to rest but couldn't amist all the beeping, excessively loud talking by nurses, etc. It was most unpleasant because I wanted quiet and to sleep. I was "stuck" there for a full day, not allowed to call my husband (he could only see me at 3 specific times times) but the problem was lack of a room to send me to but finally left at 5pm...the nurse said I had post surgery psychosis. I'd like to restrain her in a room full of loud abrasive noises, no rooms just lots of people everywhere hooked up and out of it. Finally made it to my rather large room, had full size couch/bed for my caregiver plus frig, microwave, easy chair, and 2 tv's for both sides of the room. Thereafter for the next 5 days I averaged being woke up 6-9 times a night and so got maybe 5 hours of sleep for the entire week!. Had PVC's so was treated and wanted something to help with elimination . Discharged on 3/16, drove home in 6 hours and went into A-fib around 11:00 that night. Stayed in local emergency facility for 6 hours and dismissed on 3/17. That afternoon I found out due to the painkiller, I was totally impacted. Let me tell you, I would rather raise 20 hellon teenagers for 20 years than to endure the removal of ??? pounds fecal! Anyway, made it through that but went back into a serious A-fib that rehospitalized me that same day on total bedrest(had been walking 4x a day at UAB) until 3/20 when I finally got word I was ok. I chose the bioprosthetic valve to avoid meds but am now on lovinox shots and 5 mg coumadin to make sure I don't have clots from the A-Fib. Also take lasix,potassium, and Betapace. My doc has tried to assure me that I won't be on the "thinners" forever. Needless to say it's been an unforseen journey, but GOd met my family and I at every step He's so faithful. RIght now I do feel a little depressed but hope it is just from not getting any sleep for so long until I got home Friday night.My grown children(4) have really pitched in with everything because my husband has gone back to work. Thank you all for your prayers and sincere thoughts. My cousin who was operated in Dec. 08 had the A-Fib 2x and also had this thinner routine.

Medtronic 21mm Freestyle Aortic valve
Hemashield platinum wooven double velour vascular graft for Aortic Root
UAB 3/11/09 Dr David McGiffin
Welcome home and to this side of the mountain. Sorry you had such a hard time sleeping. I was lucky...I'm one of those who can sleep any time, anywhere. Now that you are home, I'm sure you'll be able to relax. Some post op depression is common. Try watching some happy movies to cheer yourself up and relax. It worked for me. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about the AF but glad all is under control now and may you have a smooth and speedy recovery from now on. Post surgery (and pre-surgery) depression is normal and once you start healing and improving, it shall fade away!

Welcome home :) what hospital did you have the surgery done? UAB?
I am traveling to CC but will be dischared to my son's home some 90 miles away. (much less than the 6 hours you had to travel) I have a fear of A-fib after returning home. Stupid question....but will I recognize what it is if it happens? What type of emergency facility did you go to when the A-fib appeared? How far from your home was the ER facility? Did you go by ambulance?
Now that I have a questions seems to be multiplying!!
you're right - the CICU and Stepdown units were both very noisy and busy places. I kept my door shut tight and blinds closed almost all the time - the nurses still came in and out extremely frequently and I was lucky to be in a facility (Brigham and Womens) that welcomed family, so my husband stayed in my room for many nights, even in the ICU - that helped a lot. Also had a run of afib, like you- and am on coumadin. hopefully it will not recur and we can eventually get off anticoagulants. since i had a car and ferry ride to get home, and a "rural" hospital at home, we stayed at a hotel in the city for two nights, which was a very smart idea. I was much more ready to go home. I notice each day gets better. good luck.
I hope you the best of luck while continuing your recovery. Good luck & God Bless
once I was moved out of ICU, the day following my surgery, my surgeon had a sign posted on my door: "Sleep protocol: 11:00pm to 6:00am". I wasn't bothered at all, unless I buzzed for a nurse because I needed something.

It was nice not being bothered every 30 minutes, but I it was a few months before I could sleep normally anyway.
Hang in there. A-fib often occurs after surgery and hopefully will end on its on. I had it and was also on coumadin for a while. I was eventually cardioverted and since then I have been A-fib free for about 10 months now. Get plenty of rest at home. it sound like you have some good help.
Take care,
Sorry for the delayed response. My doc at UAB said to call 911 if anything happened traveling home. My Afib happened at home so may husband drove me both times, although the first time a cop pulled him over at 12:00AM AND TOLD HIM TO GO 45 mph. My local er/hospital is 7 miles from my home; since I went back for a 2nd afib the same day they admitted me and I stayed for 4 days. Everything stabilized so I've been at home for 1 week no problems. Good luck with your procedures. I actually live in the Pensacola area and the local cardiac doc sent me to Dr. McGiffin at UAB. He's a awesome Aussie doc.
Congrats on suviving the surgery!

I had one AFIB on Christmas day, just after my kids and grandkids left. It was over very quickly. I was told I had had another AFIB in the Recovery area, but have no memory of that.

The surgeon still gave me an A+ for my recovery, so I guess AFIB is so common that it is not that big a deal while you are still in the hospital.


Aortic Root replacement Dec. 23, 2008, Johns Hopkins, Dr. Duke Cameron

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