Plural Plaque in lungs

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Over the past several weeks, I have been given tests to try to find the source of consistent right side pain since mid Dec. My kidneys, gall bladder and pancreas have been checked with normal results.

However, I went to my doctor to discuss all of the results. He told me he wanted a CT scan of lungs. One tests done on my kidneys showed calcification on my lungs. Late this afternoon, I received a phone message from my doctor's office. The CT showed plural plaques in my lungs. My doctor wants me to see my pulmonologist.

I am rather plerplexed. As I understand it, it caused by expoure to asbestos. I cannot seem to learn if there can be another source. Although I spent 20 years in the Navy, to my knowledge, I have not been exposed to abestos. None of the ships I served aboard had asbetos. I was never involved in any type of removal of insulation of pipes or bulkheads. I worked on helicopters.

The pain on my right side has suddenly and dramatically decreased.

I am beginning to make my list of questions when I do see my pulmonologist.

Karl, wishing you all the best and offering prayers that you receive all the answers you're seeking. I have had a pesky right side pain for a few months, but nothing like what yours sounds like. Let us know how you're doing.
As I understand it any structure built in the early seventies or earlier may have asbestos. This could be in insulation, manufactured flooring, exterior wall board, plaster (as a binding agent), shingles, formica, and numerous other items. Maybe when you were a kid your dad remodeled the house?

Have you ever done any type of housing remodeling on older homes, offices, or other buildings?

I hope that everything works out for you, and that they are benign. Best wishes!
Oh great.....I've lived in ancient homes and ripped up layers of crappy old linoleum, and moldy old wallboard, etc.
Karl, hopefully you will find a positive solution to your lung issue.
I've heard that symptoms can show up 20 years after exposure......?
Joe had pleural plaque in his lungs, and it couldn't be traced to anything he did in his youth either. He was not the handy type, so painting outside was about it, and he worked in management. He always said that a hammer in his hands was a dangerous weapon. :)

A large nodule started growing in his lung. His doctors thought it was cancerous. So he had surgery to remove it. It turned out to be an amyloidoma, which is benign. But later in life when several organs started going South, his doctors were thinking that he might have amyloidosis. Several wanted him to go to Boston University which has the premier research and treatment center for amyloidosis. But he became too ill to do that.

We never found out whether he had this or not. But he did have all the symptoms, plus that single amyloidoma.

And he had ongoing lung issues.

Probably doesn't have anything to do with your situation, but wanted to mention it.
Oh great.....I've lived in ancient homes and ripped up layers of crappy old linoleum, and moldy old wallboard, etc.
Karl, hopefully you will find a positive solution to your lung issue.
I've heard that symptoms can show up 20 years after exposure......?

Unfortunatley this is true. I wouldn't worry (read my signature) about it though, just take better precautions in the future.
Thanks for the support everyone :).

Any Black Mold around you that you know of?

No Ross but what sometimes concerns me is what I cannot see when it comes to that kind of stuff.

My parents's home was built in the early sixities. I love my Dad dearly, but he is not the remodeling type.

My grandfather built his house during WWII. My parents visited them often. I spent many nights in that house.

The only remodeling I have been around is with my own home. We had most of the carpet removed in our then eight year old house (two years ago). We then had a high grade vinyl wood plank flooring installed. The floor preparation was as a disaster. The contractor did not use a machine to vacum the dust while grinding the floor :mad::mad::mad:. Dust was everywhere. The contractor lied and said there not such a device. I found out later that was not true.

In thinking back, when I worked on the helicopters, we did have a few asbestos clamps on the engines. Rarely did I have to replace them.

I will probably never learn where it came from. I guess the best thing to do now is to concentrate on dealing with this thing. Iam honestly not worrying about it. I know God is still in control regardless of the outcome.

I will keep you posted.

Does it feel unusually damp anywhere or smell musty? How about your heating/AC ducts, have they been cleaned at all?

Your right, you probably never will know. They don't know the cause of mine either, but after much thought and things that happened during the time period that I was hospitalized the most, Black mold had to be the culprit.
Does it feel unusually damp anywhere or smell musty? How about your heating/AC ducts, have they been cleaned at all?

No, nothing like that at all. However, the ductwork has never been cleaned in the 11 years since we had our house built. I am starting to wonder if it could not be something in the building my office is in. The vents do get mold on them from time to time.

No, nothing like that at all. However, the ductwork has never been cleaned in the 11 years since we had our house built. I am starting to wonder if it could not be something in the building my office is in. The vents do get mold on them from time to time.


If they get mold on them from time to time I would wonder what was in the ductwork. My thought offhand is to have it investigated, and take appropriate action.
I will have to ask if anyone knows if the ductworked was cleaned. My office is on a Naval base. I cannot help but wonder if what is showing up is just scar tissue from two major surgerys. I will make my appointment with my pulmonologist tomorrow. In prepatration for that appointment, I am going to make my list of questions.
