Please accept my apologies.

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I am having some tough times right now and haven't posted for awhile (for me). I realize, after hearing from a few members, that I should have posted a "be off for awhile" thread so no one worried. I am one to worry so I feel very badly about not letting you all know but my mind has been elsewhere.

Anyway, please accept my apology and I will be back as soon as things get a little rosier.

Thanks for caring - I love you all.


No apology needed ..but we active members notice..When someone as active as you have been on not post. We worry...:) I hope everything will be O.K.....just let us know if we can help....Bonnie
Hi there....I have been very worried.....someone like you does not just disappear.
Whatever it is you are going through, things always work out, I'm sending you good vibes and best wishes.
No apologies needed, Gina and prayers for rosier days ahead. We all care and miss you!
Sorry to hear you are having problems, but glad to hear you are OK.
Hi again Gina - As I mentioned by PM, I hope things will be much better for you soon. Take care.
I'm sorry to hear things aren't going too well for you right now, Gina. You are such a solid and positive source of support for others on this website, I hope you feel that kind of energy coming back at you from all of us and that your life is drama-free (or at least back to the usual drama:p ) very soon.

Take care.

I'm hoping that whatever dark cloud is passing through your life right now will keep on moving and sunny skies will prevail very soon.

Life has its twists and turns. God Bless.
Sending a hug

Sending a hug

Dear Gina, You are such a staple here we couldn't help but miss you. I hope things improve quickly. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Brian
Sorry to see that things are tough for you right now Gina. I will pray for life to get better for you and happiness to return to your life. (((((( hugs )))))
Thanks for letting us know, Gina.
We'll be here for you when you return.