Pain after cardiac cath

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
I had my cardiac catheterization done on Wed at the Cleveland Clinic. Everything went well until they tried to close up the site. I bled internally a bit which was very painful and they also had to apply extra pressure. They did give me pain killers and kept me overnight. I thought I was feeling o.k. until today. I am still extremely sore on the side they worked on. They actually ended up opening the other side to look for bleeding but it looked o.k.

Has anyone experienced this kind of event with a cardiac cath? Is it normal to feel totally beaten up afterwards. I don't have major external bruising but I'm guessing that it might be like a bruise on the inside. My surgery is coming up on the 7th and I'd like to be in better shape by then. I also don't want to overlook something that might need attention before surgery.

Very sorry to hear you are having this pain. I was fortunate to have no discomfort at all after my caths. I hope it settles down soon and you are more comfortable going into your surgery.
Barb, Sorry you are not feeling too good. I hope you feel better before the 7th.

I'm still new to all this - what's the reason they do the cardiac cath? Is that a standard procedure prior to valve replacement?
The CC does do a cardiac cath as a standard pre op test at least for the surgery I am having which is av replacement and aneurysm repair.

Thank you for your replies. I'm just trying to sort out whether something is wrong in my lower abdomen that might need attention.

Thank you all for your help.
Barb, I was in discomfort for about a week when they got done with me. I had some bruising & bleeding inside. Just take it easy & don't overdo it, let it heal.
Hi Barb,

I had a cardiac cath done at Cleaveland Clinic, too. I had to stay about 8 hours afterwards and got dizzy everytime I tried to get up. I was very bruised (the doctor explained something about skin facia??) and limped around the next 2 days before my surgery. Not a fun experience!! Just monitor how you feel and let a doctor know if you don't feel right, but I think it should heal.

all the best, Betsy