Out of Toprol

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I switched to Toprol XL a few months back when the pharmacy started having shortages of Metoprolol, my original prescription. Today I got a call from the pharmacist attempting to refill my monthly script saying they?re now all out of Toprol too. They were going to call up my cardio for a substitute but I let them know I have surgery in 9 days and I really just need enough to get me to March 31 ? after that the hospital will be my supplier for at least awhile. Anyway, they had just enough to get me 10 days worth. So be warned, supplied are limited. If you?re on torpol/lopressor/metoprolol, you might want to get your refills soon.
Why is that? I'm no longer on a beta blocker, but that could be very very very bad for those who depend on them to just suddenly not be able to get any. It just is not really safe to skip that particular kind of med. The electrical system in the heart does not like that!!!!

It's good that you've put up a warning.

What's going on?

I went to refill my metoprolol xl 25 mg yesterday and I was told that they were out and didn't know when they'd be getting another shipment. Apparently, the shortage is countrywide. They said I'd have to switch to brand name Toprol XL (which I guess is also in short supply) or switch medications (which I really don't want to do since I've had good luck with metoprolol). As luck would have it, my pharmacy got a shipment of 50 mgs tablets later in the day so they gave me 15 50mg tablets with instructions to cut them in half.
I am not sure about your beta blocker, but when I needed Vicodin, my pharmacist said there is a shortage and they wanted to give me the generic, which I did not like as it caused more side effects. My hubby picked up from them prescription and took it to another pharmacy and it was filled while he waited.!

My point is that have you tried another pharmacy?!

My advice is to get as much medication as you can befoer you leave hospital after your surgery. I did not as I did not want to wait..a big mistake. The result was my hubby had to go to more than one pharmacy to get the meds (mainly vicodin).
Didn't someone post a little while back that there was a recall or something with metoprolol? I renewed my prescription, but they gave toprol instead of the metoprolol. They said they were out of the generic.
I'm due for a refill in a couple of days, but haven't had any problems at all in getting metaprolol. Now that I'm on the fringes of surgery, however, watch CVS have a shortage. Isn't that the way things happen?

Thanks for the heads up, folks. I'll check with other pharmacies if I have a problem. My experience with CVS, though, is that when they have a shortage with a generic, they fill with the brand name at the generic co-pay.
There is a recall due to manufacturing of Metoprolol Succinate not being up to standards. The Metoprolol Succinate is the generic for Toprol XL. The subsitute is Metoprolol Tartrate which is a shorter acting drug and must be taken twice a day to get the same benefit as the Toprol XL or Metoprolol Succinate which are long acting. Just be sure to check labels when you get refills to be sure which drug you go and how it should be taken. Good idea to keep check on you Bp too because there may be a difference in how your body metabolizes the substitute medication.
It is not a good idea to stop Beta blockers cold turkey so don't give up if told they can't get your med at the pharmacy.
I haven't had a problem yet ordering my generic Toprol XL. Just placed another order today - so we'll see????
I have a weeks supply and they told me yesterday that had 3 pills left if I wanted them .... I told them to give them to someone who was out .... I and ablation three years ago and am only on 25 mg so I doubt I even need it ... this has been an on going argument with my cardio:rolleyes:
I just got an email from Caremark (my prescription provider) telling me that my 4 Rx's I ordered were shipped today. This includes my generic Toprol XL 25 - and it's a 90 day supply. So I don't know why some pharmacies have it and some don't.